Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lost Family Found


Lost Family Found

© by Bud Lemire on April 12, 2024

There was a time long ago, in the history of our families

Pregnant daughters, found themselves begging on their knees

To keep their babies, but their parents were too strict

Authority won over, and young Mothers were heartsick

The heartbreak of giving up, a special part of you

Yet there was nothing else, that they could do

Years went by, and that baby was still on their mind

Always wondering, if reunited, what is it they would find

Some took up the search, yet they didn't find a clue

Having nowhere else to turn, and nothing else to do

There are people, who research, and help you in this case

Help to locate lost family, then you can see their face

They can find their location, whether alive or dead

By collecting the data, and going where they're lead

Some results are successful, and there's some that can be a bit sad

It's so emotional to see reunions, with a child and their Mom and Dad

To me, these true stories, always touch my heart

It brings closure to each person, who had played their part

Years have passed, and they meet, they feel it's where they belong

A family reunion happens, and it's like happiness in a song

I've been watching watching a series about people searching

for long lost family members. It really pulls on the heart. I

find the connection and longing between family members so

very strong. It's a Need to find a long lost family member to

find closure of the heart and soul. Sometimes it isn't always

a happy ending. Other times, they do find out what they need

to know. Sometimes it's more of a pleasant surprise. Family is

so important. It's who we belong with.

Monday, April 8, 2024

At Every Concert


At Every Concert

© by Bud Lemire on April 6, 2024

Tall people who stand in front of you, and those dancing drunks

Women who wear strong perfume, and they smell like skunks

People who think, at every concert they must stand

When everyone behind them, is trying to see the band

I think tall people, should sit in the balcony or way in the back

Drunks shouldn't be allowed in, because they always quack

People should be told, not to stand but to sit

Others just can't see, and it isn't worth a spit

We pay, and come to enjoy the band

We can't see anything, when they stand

When they jump up and down

I didn't come to see a clown

Then they spill their beer in the aisle

I look around, and don't see anyone smile

I grab my slingshot, and I'm a good aim

When something bothers me, I play the game

One good shot, and that beer would explode everywhere

The people in the next row, would give me a nasty stare

Nobody actually saw my slingshot, so did they really know

Then I'd laugh inside, I really was here to enjoy the show

Quick! Hide the slingshot, here comes security.

Just a poem at my frustration of inconsiderate people at

a concert. They wear perfume that smells like they took

a bath in. They drink beer they smells awful, and dance

around so nobody can see. I know tall people can't help

their height, but the hosts of the concert should at least

make sure that everyone is seated so others behind can

see. They aren't doing their job.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Pay It Forward


Pay It Forward

© by Bud Lemire on March 15, 2024

Pay It Forward, do a good deed

There might be someone, who is in need

They might not be able to afford food, in the marketplace line

The kindness that you give them, now would be the perfect time

They might feel embarrassed, you tell them to Pay It Forward too

Then sometime in their future, that is what they will do

Let me buy you a coffee, and a breakfast for you

It just feels so good, it's the right thing to do

A homeless person in a box on the street

Give her your jacket, and some socks for her feet

That guy's tire, has gotten pretty low

I'll use my pump, air his tires for this Joe

The little things we do, will help those who are in need

Which is just what was needed, you planted a seed

From what you started, they'll pay it forward too

The seed will grow, and the deed will renew

Many times it's the little things we make an effort

to do, turn out to be the big things for someone else.

So remember to pay it forward, do a good deed.

Just think how wonderful you feel after doing it.

Unanswered Questions


Unanswered Questions

© by Bud Lemire on March 13, 2024

Unanswered Questions, are the ones you never ask

The ones you should have, but weren't up to the task

Not the most important ones, but the ones in which you dwell

The ones that make you wonder, but nobody would share or tell

Why did that happen, to that woman that you know?

What happened to that man, why did they let him go?

Why are they doing this, why are they doing that?

Why did she get a dog, when she should have had a cat?

Why did the manager, tell her what he did?

Someone said he yelled, and really blew his lid

It's these kind of questions, that make you wonder

Too afraid to intrude, in case it brings on thunder

The one who it's about, will answer the correct one

Then you know it's true, your wondering is done

Questioning things in your life, is the way to be

Sometimes you get the answers, much more easily

We all have unanswered questions going through our heads.

Sometimes we find out the answers, and other times we never

do in our lifetime.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Can You Hear Me?


Can You Hear Me?

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2024

Can you hear me? I'm calling out to you

Please listen, I'm trying to get through

I just want you to know, that I'm here

Please understand, as a spirit, I am always near

You call my name, and I'll be there

I'm around you often, if you're aware

The love we shared, before I passed

Is as strong as ever, and will always last

I met your family here, your Mom and your Dad

They're so proud of you, great parents you had

I'm happy here, so much happier than before

You'll understand, when you come through that door

You can talk to me any time, I'll hear you

You may not hear me, but I try to get through

I want you to be happy too

Doing the things that you love to do

I know in the quiet of your mind, you will hear me

As time goes on by, maybe you'll even see

I know that you feel me, I so love your smile

I touch you all over, for that is my style

Just remember, the spirit energy is amazingly unique

You might feel me, give you a kiss on your cheek

She is always around, checking up on me. Letting me

know that our love goes on forever. Guiding me, and

letting me know she approves and cares for all I do.

You couldn't find a better love than what we have.

I love you Vicki, always and forever, Thank You!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Truth


My Truth

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 14, 2024

My truth is believing, what I'm knowing

I can feel the things, that aren't showing

Sometimes I can even hear

When the spirits whisper in my ear

I believe the messages that are sent to my friend

Given to me, by the lives that never end

The human life ends, but the spirit never does

It becomes what is, instead of what was

What it is, is so very amazing if you knew

The continuing soul journey, would surprise you

They carry on in spirit, without the bod

It is so natural, to you it may seem odd

It's where you were, before you came here

From one world to another, you disappear

Crossing over is so easy to do

It won't be hard when it happens to you

People can hear them, if they're in tune with it all

It takes a certain mind frequency, then you'll hear the call

Just know this, they don't have any pain any more

They left it behind, when they went through that door

True! I don't have to believe any more, because I know.

How do I know? It's a hearing, a feeling, a knowing.

If I hear them, it is not my imagination. When I feel

them, it is not my imagination. I know! When they

come in my dreams and I wake up still feeling their

touch, I know.




© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2024

When the wind blows the snow, in a whirlwind around

It's called a Snownado, a tornado on the winter ground

It blows the snow, all over everywhere

Look out your window, you can see it there

A snow devil that is going around

Blowing snow wherever it's found

When a big gust of wind, blows the snow very strong

It's when we hear old man Winter, singing his song

The newly fallen snow is blowing away

To a new place entirely, where it will stay

Snow layered on top of each pile

That is the way of the Wintry style

Flakes piled up, on top of another one

It keeps on flying, until the Snownado is done

If you stand where it'll blow

You'll get whipped with that snow

So stay warm, and away from the wind that blows

Keep your body warm, even with your red nose

I've seen a snownado out my window.

It was a small one, and I'm sure you've

seen them as well.