Thursday, December 29, 2016

Everybody Is A Star

Everybody Is A Star

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 29, 2016

Everyone is special, everybody is a star

No matter who you are, no matter where you are

There's a light, that shines inside of you

It shines quite brightly, in everything you do

It's your soul, that shines so very bright

That other people notice, it is your soul light

It's what makes you special, and makes you unique

This is the quality, that other people seek

It's that star personality, that's found in everyone

That makes each life, so much more fun

We don't think alike, our beliefs are different too

Stars are very special, because they make up You

They are your present, your future and your past

The star that shines inside, will forever last

It's that sparkle in your eye

It's what keeps you asking why

The star you are, guides you everywhere

The love inside of you, and just how much you care

No matter who you are, no matter where you are

Everyone is special, Everybody Is A Star

Everybody is a star, because we are each unique

and special in our own way. The soul inside of us

shines brightly and makes us who we are.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Have A Happy New Year

Have A Happy New Year

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 28, 2016


Into The New Year we go

As we continue, also we grow

Exploring life every day

Enjoy every moment” is what I say

Where will the New Year bring you?

Now that one year is through

Only time will tell, what it'll be

I know that only you hold the key

With that key, you can unlock any door

Which will lead you, to something much more

Within you, there is the soul

It'll help you reach, any goal

Your inner strength, is your guide

It all comes, from the inside

What feels right, is the answer you know

It will being you, to where you should go

Life doesn't last forever, so enjoy it to your best

Because this body your wearing, has truly been blessed

Treat your body and soul good, and hold it dear

And be enlightened, as you have a Happy New Year

Remember, you can accomplish anything you set out to

do. You have that inner soul that gives you strength and

willpower to conquer and prevail any fear. Your goals

are limitless. You'll be happy you did. And it will make

for a very Happy New Year.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Hope In The New Year

Hope In The New Year

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 26, 2016

It had come to the end of another year

Yet thinking of the new one, brought so much fear

There was always the fear of the unknown

For half a year, he carried a heavy stone

It grew much heavier as the year came to an end

He found out just how far he could bend

He had good health, and the sun was shining

Remembering that every cloud had a silver lining

Where did he belong, where would he go

What would he do, he just didn't know

Where would his path, lead him to

He relied on hope, to help him through

Everything always seemed to have worked before

He earned his money by doing his chore

Yet now he had no chore to do

What little money he has, he's going through

Soon he won't have any for his rent

Because it will all be spent

His path brings him down a sad trail

He only knows that he can not fail

What will happen to this man next year

Let's hope a miracle will appear

I've always glided through the slow times,

and usually something came along. I always

managed to make it through my darkest times.

But that stress is weighing heavily on me. I do

have some plans, but it will me bring down a

different path. Not sure it will be better, I only know

it is the only option presenting itself to me right now.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

I'm Not Whole, Without You

I'm Not Whole, Without You

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 22, 2016

It's like a part of me is missing

When it's your love I'm not kissing

I'm not whole without you

And I'm feeling very blue

It's like a piece from a puzzle, a jigsaw I'll say

Who's path from the right one, has gone astray

I can't be the full me, without the full you

You complete me in all ways, this much is true

Your laughter touches deep, your voice touches my soul

Without you, I just don't feel whole

I need to feel your love, all of the time

Because it makes me feel, so sublime

Together, you and I should always be

Joined in spirit and physical, each of us free

Free to be, at our very best

No need for either, to be so stressed

Down a stream, we should be flowing

Not even worried, about where we're going

Together, whatever happens, we'll get through

Because, I'm not whole, without you

Vicki, without you, nothing makes sense.

With you, I am just so happy. You do that

to me. Your love is forever giving. To me.

I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank

you for all the love you share with me.

This Dark Hole

This Dark Hole

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 18, 2016


Where did the love go

I really want to know

I am lost in this sadness

Wandering around in this madness

I wander around with this heavy heart

Many days I don't even know where to start

What happened to my smile

You know, I could sleep awhile

I gave my all, I have nothing more to give

My battery is on low, and it's no way to live

It's been years since I've been in this dark hole

My heart is broken, I'm depending on my soul

All I know, is that I was trying

Now all I'm doing is crying

Help me find myself here

I'm consumed by so much fear

Give me strength to succeed

I shall follow where you lead

Shine your healing light on me

Take away this depression, set me free

The pain is too much for me to bear

Bring me to a better place, anywhere!

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place

nobody should be at. I was there before.

But in the moment you are there, it feels

so very dark and hopeless, that you can't

seem to see any light at all.

A Place Not To Be

A Place Not To Be

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 14, 2016

She pulled me into her negativety

I was so lost, that I couldn't see

I was in a place I didn't want to be

So I was positive, and that set me free

I was so lost there, I couldn't think

Then my soul, gave me a wink

I climbed out of that negative hole

That depressing place sure took its toll

But positivety lifted me up off the ground

Dancing around my apartment, is where I was found

How I got in that hole, I'll never know

I started to escape, but it started to grow

A light came and I grabbed it quick

Good thing too, because that darkness got thick

I grabbed on, until I was free

I was back to being a positive me

Watch where you are walking, or you will find

You might fall into, that darkness in your mind

Every now and then, you might end up there

If you do, look for that light that can be found everywhere

For those of us who find themselves slipping in and out of

darkness (depressive thoughts), I'm sending you some light

to help you out.

The Robot At The End Of The Tunnel

The Robot At The End Of The Tunnel

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 12-13, 2016

It sounds like a robot at the end of the tunnel

As my ear takes in the sound like a funnel

What are you doing in that tunnel, I request

From the sound of it all, why aren't you sounding your best

I remember the way your voice use to be

This doesn't sound anything like that to me

When you laugh, it sounds funny to hear

It's a really weird sound, that enters my ear

I use an amplifier on my phone

To hear the beat, to hear the tone

I know your voice, but it's not the same

But it's doing its job, and that is its aim

I'm reading lips, and it's easier when they talk slow

When they don't look at me, then I don't know

I'm even reading body language, it says a lot

About the people, right there on the spot

When one sense goes, another gets stronger

I just wish, I had my hearing longer

The Robot at the end of the tunnel, is talking to me

The way he sounds, is the image that I see

It's no fun to lose your hearing. You give up

the music you love, you read TV shows(cc).

You learn to read lips to understand what

people are saying. You use an amplifier to

listen on the phone. Your whole life changes.

Enjoy what you have today, because tomorrow

it may be gone.

The Most Wonderful Woman

The Most Wonderful Woman

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 13, 2016

Vicki, you're the most wonderful woman to me

By your side is always where I want to be

Your love is my need and my desire

Your voice is as uplifting as an Angelic choir

There is no fear you should have from my past

Because the greatest love I have for you is steadfast

You told me that I am a patient man

Your love being the greatest, you know I am

I know your love, the deepest ever felt

When our spirits touch, together we melt

I already have you planned into my life

My best friend, my lover, and someday my wife

Please take my hand, and walk with me

For it's our love that holds life's key

I feel so much love for you, you'll never be without

I want to share it all with you, that's what love is about

I don't want to go a moment, without your love

Because you are the woman, I'm always thinking of

Like that first day, when your love came down on me

Inside of you, is where I always want to be

Vicki, I have proven my love for you again and again.

That will never stop, because our love is very deep.

We belong together. There can be nobody else for me.

I need you, and I know I can make you happy. I promise

to try my very best, just as I have been, to make your life

the very best it has ever been. But, you need to give me

a chance. Our life together has hardly begun, just wait

I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

Last Dance At Christmas

Last Dance At Christmas

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 3, 2016

She wondered when her life would end

Right now she sure could use a friend

Why do they stay away from me”

Was this the way life was going to be”

Diagnosed with Cancer earlier this year

She lives each moment, now in fear

She experiences pain, no child should go through

The people who know her, haven't the faintest clue

She sits alone in her bedroom, reading a book

The Fantasies she reads, give her a new outlook

She drifts far away, to another place

Which stops her from thinking of all she must face

The Chemo has worn her down, she lost all of her hair

She tries not to think about, how life can be so unfair

At night she cries and asks “Why me?”

I never asked for this, so why should it be”

Time was passing quickly, Christmas time was almost here

She reserves all her strength for some Christmas cheer

But inside her, there dwelled all this fear

Would I still be around for Christmas this year?”

The pain was too much, for her to take

If not for love, she would surely break

Her parents gave her the very best

They supported her through every test

As Christmas drew closer, she really missed her friends

And wondered “Is this really how my life ends?”

Then one night, there came a light

The Angels danced, and it was so bright

We've come to give you, one last chance”

To join us in, this Awakening Dance”

She looked around, and saw all her friends

Dear Armelia, this will be how your life ends”

One friend took her hand “Please come with me”

They wandered outside, for everyone to see

Liam bowed and asked her for this dance

She smiled and then she took a glance

A circle of her friends, were all around

In the middle, she and Liam were found

They danced until she could dance no more

She was so much happier than she was before

Liam whispered “Our parents didn't understand your disease”

Which made them all, in a state of unease”

The Angels who have brought us here”

Have banished all of our parents' fear”

Armelia looked up, she knew her time was here

All of her pain was gone, and she had no fear

Armelia entered Heaven, and she had a new role

Helping those with this disease, to uplift their soul

And upon this very Christmas night

In the sky high above, was a new star shining bright

Remember everyone, people who are going through

such a disease, need a friendly face to see in person.

Don't be afraid to stop and see them. It will only take

a moment to bring so much happiness and comfort to

someone who you treasure in this life. Because once

they are gone, you can never have that chance. Armelia

went on to help those battling the disease here on Earth,

and she knows the value of friends. Don't let your fears

be the thing that causes you not to see your friend who

needs you even more now than ever. Go see them.

The Force Is With You

The Force Is With You

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 19, 2016


Residents who come down at different times in the night

Will have noticed Security Guards, don't get uptight

The Delta Force are here to keep a safe environment for you

They're friendly and protective in all that they do

They're here to keep the peace, right here in our Tower

When things get too wild, they have the reliable power

They'll stop it before it gets out of control

For that is their duty, that is their role

If someone looks suspicious, they'll check them out

They'll investigate it, until they're left with no doubt

Keeping it clean, away from the nasty Drugs

Getting rid of them, as if they're pesty old bugs

Protectors of the night, we can be assured of a safe sleep

They'll be checking things out, with a regular sweep

They're keeping watch, on our people and this place

Carefully as they take in everyone's face

A keen, observation, carefully seen

Of all things around, and in between

Be yourself in the home place, do what you normally do

And you'll be quite safe, The Force Is With You

The Delta Force team is here to keep this place a safe

environment. Your safety is important. This is your home.

Many times people who take the drugs that are not prescribed,

can get out of control. They can get a bit wild and one of

us who live here, could get hurt. They'll observe and keep a

watchful eye on people. So that we can feel safe while we are

here. Thank you Delta Force, for helping to keep this place safe!

The Delta Force is watching over the Harbor Tower.

Great job you guys and thanks!

Our Love Is Stronger Than Be-Four

Our Love Is Stronger Than Be-Four

© by Bud Lemire on Oct 12, 2016


As our four years come around

Your love still picks me off the ground

You always make me float

Peaceful waters, in a boat

You get right to my heart

You make excitement an art

You get right to my core

You have me begging for more

You are the music I love listening to

I want to get lost in everything you do

I want to float on your voice

Your love gives me that choice

Your loving energy flows through me

With you is where I always want to be

By your side, feeling the warmth of you

Aglow with this deep love, so true

Four years is only the start

I want more of your soul, and heart

I want to give you so much more

So our love will be even stronger than Be-Four

Happy 4 Year Anniversary my Love.

Vicki, the best is yet to come.

Hear, I Can Not

Hear, I Can Not

© by Bud Lemire on Oct 22, 2016

How would you feel if suddenly your world went quiet

Your TV was up loud, you couldn't hear when you walked by it

The every day sounds would all disappear

You'll wonder what has gone wrong with your ear

Sometimes it's age, the loss as we get old

Chemo treatments will do it, is what I'm told

Some were born with this, at the very start

It's hard to imagine no music, but that's only a part

There's the little things daily, like the song of a bird

You can see its beak moving, yet nothing was heard

People talking down at the end of the hall

Were as silent as if listening to a wall

A door shutting, a toilet flushing, an every day sound

Was not heard at all, not anywhere around

How different would your world be

In silence you'd live quite differently

When the hearing is taken, you have no choice

Yet to continue doing your best, not hearing their voice

When nothing is heard, with all that you've got

Then listening won't happen, and Hear, You Can Not

I know one thing for sure, I am so happy I can hear

everything I can hear. Can you even imagine what it

is like for those who can not hear a thing? I think that

is another reason we should appreciate the music, and

every day sounds that we hear, because one never knows

when it might be taken from us.

The Picture That Wasn't There

The Picture That Wasn't There

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 12, 2016

There was a picture that wasn't there

It seemed to have vanished into thin air

Where could it have gone, I wonder where

For I'm quite positive I saw it there

I was in the Lakeview Cemetery, taking a picture of me

But liking each picture, is always the key

I deleted the ones that didn't quite fit

Even though Autumn colors were sunlit

I returned home and posted them on Facebook

So they would be there to see, and people could look

My Cousin who is spiritual, was looking for one

But she couldn't find it, and my posting was done

She went over them until her eyes were sore

I told her those were all, there were no more

The next morning she said “It was the one where you're hugging the stone”

She shared with me, what she saw, what was shown

She saw me and my true love Vicki, in the clouds in the sky

For my Cousin you see, has what is called a Third Eye

I deleted that picture, it never got on a post

Yet she saw me there, with the one I love most

That's not the end, days later I returned to the Cemetery

Another picture was deleted, where she saw my brother Terry

Why is she seeing people in the pictures I delete

Whatever the reason, it's a blessing and a treat

My Cousin Karen is in tune with the Spiritual world. She sees

things that most can't. Somehow it was a message to let her

know they are there for her and me, to see, and to know. We

are never alone. Our loved ones are always watching over us.



© by Bud Lemire on Oct 29, 2016

As Witches fly by the windows, at the Harbor Tower

The Ghosts come to life earlier than that midnight hour

Dave is looking over papers, as a Ghoul passes by

Rob is wearing his favorite Halloween Tie

Mark, Tom, & Shawn have maintenance under control

I glance and see a Ghost enter an invisible hole

Trick Or Treaters are out on the streets

Hoping for some really good treats

I notice a lot of pale people walking around here near the light

They sure do look strange, it's giving me quite a fright

I'm thinking they could be The Walking Dead

All I want to do right now, is crawl into bed

No one is in the lobby, that's pretty odd

Dracula passes me in the hall, I give a nod

Someone is dressed like the Flash, but he's moving way too slow

I turn to see where he went, where the heck did he go

A Wizard appears, right in front of me

It looks like Gandolf, as far as I could see

He points his wand at me, and we disappear

I end up at the Shire, so far away from here

He turns to me and says “There's Trouble in the Shire

A Crazy dark Wraith has set the whole place on fire

Did he think I was a Wizard, that I could help him here?

Could it be he found me, because he was in despair?

I look down at my clothes, I was dressed in a Wizard's cloak

What was this, some kind of a Halloween joke?

I notice the fire, oh what can I do?

I see that my cloak is a Rainbow hue

I remember all the water down at the lake

I envision it to be flowing through a large snake

Then I envision the snake spitting it all over the flames

Hobbits are running everywhere, I forgot all their names

Suddenly I'm at the Tower, and up in my room

The fire must be out, at least I would assume

I must be the Rainbow Wizard on this Halloween

I traveled to the Shire, and boy, what a scene

I am home now, time to relax and unwind

It'll take awhile, I have so much on my mind

Dark Clouds

Dark Clouds

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 29, 2016

Dark Clouds stop the sunshine from getting through

Right now you need the light to reach you

Dark Clouds pass over, but won't be there tomorrow

Your smile will return, diminishing the sorrow

Let them pass on by

And if you need to cry

Let my love embrace you

With this, you'll get through

Dark Clouds bring on rain

Depression brings on pain

The Sun cries for you

Knowing that you'll get through

It may be frightening

When there's a lot of lightening

And the thunder

May make you wonder

There's a Rainbow waiting for you

And a love that is forever true

The Dark Clouds will pass on by

Your happiness will be at an all time high


This is for the love of my life, Vicki. She's

been having dark clouds at where she is now.

I also wrote this for everyone who seems to

have dark clouds passing over. They will

pass, and the sun will shine again. Hang

in there, and don't let go of the hope that

will carry you through into sunshine.

Be You

Be You

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 12, 2016

Everyone should be happy and content with where they are

In life the journey can take you so very far

Life changes and molds you

Into the person that wears your shoe

Many times we follow what we learned from the past

Other times, those teachings don't seem to last

I believe it's best to explore life's precious gift

Learn from every lesson, as it gives you a lift

Listen to your spirit, what feels right to you

Is where you should go, and what you should do

This makes us the person that we will be

Looking beyond what most of the people see

Some people know you, but only a small part

A chapter per say, but there's more to your heart

If they really wanted to, they could take a look

Why read just one chapter, when you could read the whole book

But then if they did, would they truly understand

For we are taught differently, on what makes us feel grand

I believe the best, is for you to Be You

For it has been what helped you to get through

Sometimes we can understand others. But for those

we can't, it could be their belief is different than ours.

It could be they were brought up in a different generation

that has a whole different way of thinking. It all has to do

with a different Mind Set. They will always be right in their

own minds. But there is no right or wrong. Is he right, is she

right, are they both wrong? No, what is right for you, is RIGHT.

That is you being content and happy being the YOU that you were

meant to be. It's the journey that has made you who you are.

So why don't you just remember to always BE YOU.

The Hand Of Love

The Hand Of Love

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 5, 2016

The Hand Of Love

Came from above

Entering me

Very strongly

Tingling vibration

Ecstasy and elation

The love of my life

And my future wife

Every morning she's here

I feel her spirit near

She brings me the greatest love

As she enters from above

We become One

And have lots of fun

She makes it hard

I drew the right card

Our time together

Is the greatest pleasure

We share our love

As she came from above

To the woman I've loved the most,

Vicki, thanks so very much for all

your love.

Beyond The Door

Beyond The Door

© Aug 13, 2016 by Bud Lemire

My Baby closed the door on my face

Now here I am lost in outer space

Looking for a friendly Alien to talk to

Venus and Mars come into view

Where should I go, where should I be

The door she shut, doesn't have a key

I'm too big to fit under

Didn't I just hear thunder

Some spaceship is firing at me

Oh why can't they just let me be

Awaken my child, and open your eyes”

Get out of bed, it's time to rise”

Leave me alone, I want to just stay in bed

Maybe if I stay here, I'll end up dead

Get up and fight, don't give up hope”

Let us guide you, here is the rope”

My life is over, don't you get that

I just don't like being, where I am at

You're only there for a moment, and that is all”

Stand on your feet, we'll stop your fall”

I speak from my heart, what else can I say

I try to move forward, all I see is gray

Look beyond and before, and you will see”

The greatest Love, will open to thee”

Since my baby closed the door on our love,

I've felt lost and so alone. Unsure of what

to do, unsure of what to say. Lost in some void.

Numb to everything. And very scared. Not sure

where I belong. Maybe I've lost my mind.

Or maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

The Witches Light

The Witches Light

© by Bud Lemire on July 28, 2014

I've been told that I can tell

All about the Witches spell

It started out so long ago

But burns so deep within the soul

Blood from the heart of all good things

And forced to flee from Dragon's wings

A stolen soul that burns the fire

Will change to a personal desire

Watch and sense all that you can

For beyond that, there stands a man

All dressed in a suit of white

He will spread around his light

All Witches aren't evil as was told

Those were tales of the old

This man in light, spreads it around

The light is felt and always found

Within your soul, you will feel

There's no need for a deal

For all, that is meant to be

Is written in your destiny

There will also come, a woman of light

Heart so pure, light so bright

They will join in harmony

The Witches spell will be the key

The light will spread for all to know

This beautiful light is from the soul

Yes, the light from the soul. What a

wonderful feeling it can bring.

I Saw A Dragonfly

I Saw A Dragonfly

© by Bud Lemire on July 24, 2014

I saw a Dragonfly

As it went flying by

It landed on a branch nearby

Then it flew up very high

It flew low and then around me

Where it went, I couldn't see

It was golden color, this I know

The sunshine gave it a glow

Then a light blue one

Was shining by the sun

It had a shine so bright

Appearing in the sunlight

They were flying everywhere

But none landed in my hair

They seemed to land anywhere

On the sidewalk from mid-air

Dragonflies flying all around

On a branch or on the ground

A dragonfly caught my eye

I'm so glad I saw a Dragonfly

Dragonflies and butterflies are

so wonderful to watch and see.

They always seem to uplift me

with their presence

At The Top

At The Top

© by Bud Lemire on July 29, 2016


I use to think if I tried hard enough, I'd make it to the top

I went as far as I could, but then I had to stop

It wasn't important that I get there, just important that I try

Nobody had to know the reasons, or even wonder why

Even though I never reached the top, it just couldn't be

I knew I was already at the top, just by being me

Some people think it's best to be at the top

While others are below, doing the bunny hop

I flow with my thoughts, and where I need to be

Guiding spirits opening my eyes to what I need to see

They guide me, on what it is I should do

These are the thoughts, that speak to your heart true

Listen to them, they'll never guide you wrong

Touching you, like a well performed song

Many times, the timing is the key

It's the “when,” on where you need to be

At the top, wasn't mean't for me

Other places, are where I needed to be

So on the level, in the areas of the heart

I am at the very top, when I am doing my part

Just because I didn't make it to the top, doesn't

mean I didn't try. I gave it my best, and in the

end, I realized, being at the top didn't matter at

all. Because, I was already there, because with

everything I do, I always give it my best.