Chop Suey
© by Bud Lemire on Jan
24, 2018
There's a
meal my Mom would fix for me
Chestnuts, bamboo chutes, what could it be
Chow Mein
noodles, soybeans and poured over rice
Pork and
Beef, and it sure was really nice
Put a little
Soy Sauce on it, and it will taste great
A special
meal for me, that I always ate
Must be my
Birthday, or a special day for me
I sure do
love Chop Suey, no matter what day it be
Back then, I
filled my plate
I was happy,
because it sure was great
I still love
Chop Suey, but don't eat it like before
I have it now
and then, when I buy it at the store
Thinking back
ro those days, are memories I cherish in my heart
The foods
that Mom made, were a delightful work of art
She always
did her best, delicious food for her family
She made each
meal with love, and I knew that was the key
Every time when my
Birthday came, she would fix Chop Suey, and it
was such a special day
because I loved it. Sometimes she would just
make it, because she
knew I liked it. It was always a special day when
we had it. Pork and
Beef, perfectly cooked. Chop Suey vegetables added.
Poured over rice and
Chow Mein noodles. Add a touch of Soy Sauce, and
it was the best. Thank
you Mom!