Thursday, August 29, 2019

Listen To Your Body

Listen To Your Body
© by Bud Lemire on Aug 29, 2019

Listen to your body, what is it telling you?
If it's telling you to rest, then it's probably true
I never use to listen, but now it's loud and clear
As your body ages, it's always good to hear

When you are young, you have energy to spare
But when you are older, you have none to share
As you age, you need to stop and rest
Your body will tell you, it's really for the best

You can't do everything, like you use to do
Your body has aged, into an older you
Nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to us each
It's something we can learn from, it's something we can teach

Listen to your body, if it's tired and it aches
It's time to take a rest, use your body's brakes
Stop and sit down, take some much needed time out
Your body is shouting STOP! And there's no time for doubt

Sometimes we forget, we aren't young any more
We keep trying to do, all the things we did before
If it's telling you to rest, then it's probably true
Listen to your body, what is it telling you?

Know your limitations at every age. As you get older,
your limitations are more. Know what you can handle.
Listen to your body. If it's putting a strain on you, then
you need to stop and rest from what you are doing. It's
safe and healthy to be aware, and Listen to your body.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

My Week At The U. P. State Fair 2019

My Week at The U. P. State Fair 2019
© by Bud Lemire on Aug 21, 2019

What a great Fair it turned out to be in 2019
Monday through Sunday, I went the days in between
Tuesday, a little rain started the day
906 showed their talent in a big way

The High Flying Pages were flying through the air
Hula Hoops, the Clown, and a woman on a horse were there
An Alligator named Oscar, a Camel named Clyde
The Ruth Butler building, had Smokey the Bear inside

Spiderman was amazing, with all that he did
Doing acrobatics on the midway, for every kid
The Great Lakes Lumberjack show, was fun to see
There was a big splash, eventually

I spent much time at the Petting Zoo
Being close to nature, was what I love to do
I found myself going down a Forgotten Highway
Peacemaker was no Foreigner to us on a Thursday

My feet got pretty tired and sore
The child in me just cried out for more
I didn't know how to make it stop
Until I kept on going until I was ready to drop

I figured five days was enough time at the Fair
I took away one thousand two hundred pictures from there
I'll be back again, to the Fair next year
To take in Escanaba's U.P. State Fair, right here

This is my week at the U.P. State Fair 2019. What isn't listed in the poem, I didn't
see nor do I miss. But I know I enjoyed every moment there. I know next year I
need to plan it a bit better, for my feet and for the shows I did miss this year.
Coming away with 1,200 pictures, isn't all that bad. I got to share them
with all my friends who couldn't be there. And I had a great time.