Sunday, May 31, 2020

World Gone Mad

World Gone Mad
© by Bud Lemire on May 31, 2020

I don't respect anyone who loots
Nor anyone who kills and shoots
People want to have the power
I am cheering for the flower

Why all the violence here
So much ignorance I fear
When did the people become
So filled with rage and so dumb

So selfish, inconsiderate of others
What does that say of your Mothers
Didn't they teach you better than that
Put away that knife and bat

Riots getting out of hand
All across this great land
I do believe it is a virus there
But not COVID, so please beware

It's making people mad with rage
When they should be in a cage
Peace is what we need on this day
Because what they do, is not Okay

What's going on this world needs to be contained.
It would help if these people who were looting and
killing, had some common sense. But I fear common
sense was lost awhile back, and not sure if they will
ever find it again. While I sit inside my plastic bubble
hearing all about the riots and looting, and wondering
what's become of the world I love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


© by Bud Lemire on April 28, 2020

Across the galaxy, far from planet blue
Is a man, who looks nothing like you
Uneeka, unlike anyone you would know
Because in the dark, he gave off a bright glow

It didn't bother him, that he never needed a light
Others seemed to think, he was just too bright
He could read a book, without turning on a light
Others who came too close, thought it was a fright

One woman, was intrigued by his glow
She loved to watch him, but he never did know
Ungila was beautiful, Uneeka was too shy
So when she came around, he would pass her by

She wanted so much to plant a kiss
Inside she knew it would cause bliss
She wondered how he would react to that
She had to find out where his feelings were at

So, kiss him, she did, while he was feeling low
Brighter than everything, was his glow
He turned to her asking “why did you do this?”
She smiled and replied “You just needed a kiss.”

Uneeka and Ungila lived happily forever. And their days
were never dim. Because Ungila had a glow too. Together
their days were even brighter, because they had each other.
There was never any darkness, because they always saw
everything for what it was, even on the darkest day.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Behind The Walls

Behind The Walls
© by Bud Lemire on April 28, 2020

Behind the walls, is someone you may know
Behind the door, is such a lonely soul
Now more alone, than ever before
Inside the walls, her fear is even more

Leave me alone COVID19, you don't need me for a snack”
I'd prefer to go quickly, from a heart attack”
I don't need to suffer, with what you want to give”
Because what you offer, is no way to live”
Go back to where you started, leave me alone”
Just disappear, or turn into a stone”
My life was good, before you came along”
Now it feels, that everything seems wrong”

It's all your fault,yes, you are to blame”
Killing off the humans, is your only aim”
You don't belong in this world, killing is a crime”
Leave me alone, because I don't have much time”
I don't have the strength, to put up a fight”
It's not fair for you to pick on me, it's just not right”
Behind the door, I am a lonely soul”
Behind these walls, I'm someone you might know”

I think about those much older, and are going through
so much more than what us normal people do. If we
are scared, just think about how they are feeling about
it all. Give them a call, or stop by and see if they need
anything. They need more support than ever, in these
COVID19 daze.