Thursday, August 12, 2021

Take Time


Take Time

© by Bud Lemire on Aug 12, 2021

In life, don't let so many things pass you by

Take time with people you love, to say more than hi

Time goes fast, and before you know

You missed your chance, it was their time to go

Take time to enjoy nature, and see what is there

Don't rush through the day, let your senses be aware

The butterflies, that are flying right by your head

Dragonflies that dance, as you dream in your bed

Look at the clouds, the shapes that you can see

The wonderful shapes, of almost every tree

Listen to music, that lifts your spirit high

Take time to dance, no need to ask why

It's okay to miss yesterday, but live for today

The future keeps coming, it's the only way

Step ahead fully aware, and look around

Up at the sky, or all over the ground

Don't let a day go by, and not do a thing

You just never know, what each day will bring

These words in this poem, are absolutely a sign

For you to to think carefully, and for you to Take Time

Time doesn't wait for you, so you need to Take Time.

Make every moment count. Don't live with regrets

of things you should have done, but didn't. You had

time, but didn't take it. You always said you had

something more important to do. Don't make

excuses! Take the time NOW!