Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Too Hard To Ignore


Too Hard To Ignore

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 23, 2021

You know the world's at war

It's too hard to ignore

Some think it's a bluff

It's all this mutated Covid stuff

The Variants are going everywhere

The Unvaccinated, are willing to share

They turned this into a war, one we can't win

Might as well be a grenade, just pull the pin

Because of those, who were afraid of the vaccine

These Covid Variants are loose, and mutated beyond obscene

It's a war, on who will survive

We'll be lucky in ten years, if we're still alive

As the people resist, and they fight

More of our loved ones, will get it in the night

On the Ventilator, is no way to live

Get the vaccines, a few moments you can give

What's in the Covid Variants, is much worse than the vaccine

I made the better choice, there is no in between

If you have any brains at all, and value your life to this day

Then get the vaccines, or more people will be taken away

Don't let rumours, fester up inside your head

If you do, you'll be the one who's dead

Take action, get the vaccines before it's too late

The world that you love is dying, this choice can not wait

The world that you love is dying because you refuse to get

the vaccine. The Variants of Covid hit without any feelings.

They take all the people you love. Many don't survive. And

those that do, will never be the same. You refuse the vaccines,

due to fear, your rights, or you don't believe in them. Ignorant

Fools! It's plain stupidity! When any Alien force takes over the

world you love and the people you love. You fight with the heroes

(the CDC, Medical team, and those who have your welfare and best

interest in mind.....your life)

Thursday, November 18, 2021

On The Front Lines


On The Front Lines

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 18, 2021

The Doctors cried

Another one died

One Nurse said “We did our very best”

But he was Positive on the test”

He thought it was a lie

So, he had to die

The question we ask, is why

Our Medical Team doesn't lie

We are on the front lines, every day

We've seen it all, in every way

They didn't believe, Covid was true

No cautions taken, it wasn't the Flu

This should never have happened at all

To see so many, who've had to fall

There's no excuse, you were told

They didn't listen, now they won't grow old

Our staff is doing double shifts, every night

So many patients, are guided to the Light

We hate to see this happen to you

Take caution please, with all you do

This means: even though you have been vaccinated

three times, you still need to wear a mask. We know

they aren't any fun to wear, believe me we know. But

by wearing it, you are protecting yourself and others.

You could be a carrier of one of the variants and think

it is just a cold or allergy, and be giving it to someone

who can't even defend their system due to low immune

or no immune. We are on the Front lines every day, and

we know what Covid is doing to people. This should not

have happened. Your source should be a True source of

information, and we are. If you could only be here and

experience seeing so many die, you would know. Believe

me, I don't cry often, but since Covid, my tears will not stop.

In Her Eyes


In Her Eyes

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 13, 2021

I saw the world in her eyes

She was a woman who was so wise

She shared her love with me

I tried to be, all I could be

She wasn't someone, that was close

I can say, she wasn't a ghost

Her spirit traveled, from a far away place

Not worlds away, more of an inner space

Her spirit and mine, became One

We had a love, warmer than the sun

We were both alive, in our distant place

We both were members, of the human race

Our spirits came together, in a loving embrace

We knew it happened, and it left no trace

It changed us forever, for we were One

We knew our love for each other, would never be done

With just one thought, we can be together

In a moment lost, in endless pleasure

Even when I sleep alone, she is by my side

And I know with her, I shall always abide

A hole in the stream of time

I am hers and she is mine

This poem is dedicated to my Twin Flame, the love

of my life. She has given me so much love over the

years. I love her completely! This is the kind of love

that can't be described in the physical form, but it so

deep and strong, and holds true forever.