Monday, February 14, 2022

I Have Sinned, And I Loved It


I Have Sinned, and I Loved It!

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 13, 2022

To all people, I just wanted to say

When you sin, some sins are okay

I'm not exactly sure who decides, what is a sin

They need to update their rule book, I say with a grin

I hear religious people say, they can't do it because it's a sin

If I couldn't do it, I would surely jump out of my skin

I recall one lady saying, if you watch Star Trek it's a sin

Who makes up these rules in the sin book, I just can't win

When she said Spock is the devil, I just had to laugh

She looked at me, as if she thought I was a giraffe

You can't listen to rock music, it's not good for the soul

A sin? Not sure about you, but it makes me feel more whole

Sure glad Mama gave us the choice, on what to believe

Because that sin book they wrote, sure taught to deceive

I never had need for a sin book, not at all

I have no limitations, I never built a wall

There are sins, people say, but I call them crimes

Sins were from long ago, move ahead with the times

I know I'll offend many, but my voice must be heard

The list of sins from the sin book, is really absurd

What feels okay, isn't a sin, but is really alright

Some say I sinned, but I really took flight

You know right from wrong, if you use your heart and mind

And you can move through this world, leaving the sins behind

I never cared for the word sin. And the preacher up front

talking about sins and how wrong they are. As he raises

his voice and points out at the people sitting down. I return

home and start to cry (I was a kid). I have not sinned!

We've come a long way since those days. To me, when you

have a good head that reasons and thinks and follows the

law of the heart and mind, you know right from wrong.

No need to“sin,” so no need to do anything wrong. As

humans, we will always make some mistakes. But we

learn from them. We grow from them.

We become better as humans.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

When I Think Of Love


When I Think Of Love

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 6, 2022

On this day, you pay tribute to your sweetheart

A special love, that is like a work of art

A love, that has guided you through

All things in life, that you ever knew

Oh how you touch my heart so deep”

Yours is a love I'll forever keep”

You put the beat in my heart, whenever we're together”

Your love and you, are the greatest treasure”

When love is shown and felt, it's a Valentine

That's your heart, so beautiful, beating with mine”

Better yet, when our souls become one”

It warms our hearts, just like the sun”

Thank you dear one, for making me feel”

All things you are, you have that appeal”

Spending a lifetime, with the love I have known”

Like wings in the sky, our love has flown”

I can't think of a day without you”

And all the love, that is special and true”

The words that come to mind, when I think of love”

Is what you've given me, it's all I think of”

This Valentines day, I wish the love of my life

the very best in all things, and thanks for all

the love you've given me. She's my Twin Flame

and so much more. She always puts a smile on

my face. Her love comforts me every night,

and every day.

Monday, February 7, 2022

The Mountain


The Mountain

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 6, 2022

What was once, a walk down the street

Is now a mountain, I must climb and defeat

Try my best, to reach the top

Even if it means, I might drop

I'll get up again, and keep on trying

I won't give up, until the day I'm dying

I'll not let that mountain, keep me down

As long as I live, I'll be the clown

The mountain, sure looks pretty high

Maybe I'll imagine, that I can fly

It'll help for a moment, but that is all

That mountain, sure makes me feel small

One step at a time, gradually I'll go

Doesn't matter, how fast or how slow

As long as I get to the top, then there I'll be

Another mountain in the distance, is waiting for me

Whatever happened, to the rocks on the road

They turned into mountains, heavier is my load

I will climb the mountain, I will not fail

I'll make it to the top, yes, I will prevail

In life, especially in these trying times. The rocks on

the road have become mountains. They aren't easy.

Yet, with endurance and faith, we can get over them.

We can do it, because we have the willpower and the

strength within. Even when we think it is too much to

handle, we can do it. One step at a time. Take it

apart, and do a little at a time. And soon what you

thought was too much, has been accomplished. Have

faith in you, and know you can do it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Nose Ring


Nose Ring

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 1, 2022

I've noticed, many women wear a nose ring

Maybe it's to give them, a little more zing

They say it's a statement, they are saying

It's confusing to know, with what they're displaying

Does the statement they're saying, depend on the size

Is it some sort of link, that leads to another surprise

I doubt very much if it's a magical ring

But who knows what it could bring

A large ring, a small ring, right in the nose

And other places, where it possibly goes

I'm not into piercing, but it's their choice to do

It seems to be too close, to the booger goo

I've heard it's in another place, but I won't mention where

You can actually see it quite well, when they are bare

They say it heightens the pleasure, when having sex

What comes to mind is, what will they think of next

Ring on the finger, ring through the nose

I'll think I'll go without one of those

I'll settle with this plain old body of mine

It was created for pleasure, by the divine

I got the idea of this poem from seeing women

with nose rings on social media. I've noticed

it more and more as the years go on. I wonder

if they ever get their kleenex snagged on it.

Everyone has their choices on what they want

to do, and how they want to feel and look. In

this poem, I was just observing. My choice

would be going without the nose ring. I prefer

the magical ring. But then again, my imagination

has always been like that.