Thursday, June 30, 2022

The 4th Up North


The 4th Up North

© by Bud Lemire on June 30, 2022

We're celebrating the 4th

Way up here in the Yooper North

Fireworks will be flying, and all colors will be seen

Blue, red, yellow, and let's not forget the green

People will be scattered, throughout Ludington Park

On the night we celebrate, it shall be quite dark

The Escanaba City Band, will put on quite a show

At the bandshell, is one place you can go

Many people will be there, some who have been away

Returning for the festivities, throughout the night and day

Sparklers will be seen, as the kids run around

Remember not to litter, it looks nasty on the ground

Some will have, their own private Fireworks show

The sky above Escanaba, will be aglow

Firecrackers will be noisy, at this time of year

Ear Plugs come in handy, for a good night here

On this Independence Day, let us celebrate

Becoming the nation we are today, that made us great

As you're celebrating, going back and forth

Remember, we're celebrating the 4th Up North

It's always fun to celebrate the 4th in Escanaba, no

matter which day we celebrate. Ludington Park is

a great place to be. Just a reminder, although we

have some really dedicated people here, who pick

up litter after the festivities, let's try to remember

to pick up after ourselves and not be slobs. We are

better than that. Enjoy the 4th wherever you are and

whatever day you celebrate it on.

Happy 4th from Up North!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022




© by Bud Lemire on June 22, 2022

People can be nasty, they can be so mean

They can so rude, and totally obscene

There are great people, who are very kind

Some are just like you, with a similar mind

Some share all the love, that they can

Others are confused, in their entire life span

There are those, that look good to the eye

Some are aggressive, some are too shy

So many people, in this world today

Some know, just the right words to say

All different shapes, and every size

Some are misunderstood, others so wise

Some see things, that no one else can see

Others know the secrets, of the universal key

They unlock and explore every road

These people, have been bestowed

People all over the world, everywhere

All unique, in what they have to share

It's amazing, at the many people here

Special in their own way, each so very dear

Why some people have to be so rude, I'll never

understand. Some can be downright nasty. There's

no reason for it. There are those who are so giving.

They give with all their heart and soul. Some are

just plain amazing in their personality. I also value

those who have their own unique beauty and way of

doing things that are amazing. There are those who

know things that hardly anyone else does. Meeting all

these people is an amazing experience.

Saturday, June 25, 2022




© by Bud Lemire on June 22, 2022

As you get older, you reminisce more

Back to the place, that you've been before

You could have been thinking, of someone you knew

Wondering how they are, and if they think of you

Maybe it's a song, that'll bring you on back

A trip in your memory, and you don't have to pack

Songs mean so much, and they can be treasured

Taking you anywhere in time, they can't be measured

Remembering loved ones, who have passed away

They're alive again in memory, on any such day

They may be gone for now, but they remain a part

Of who you are, in your soul, and in your heart

You traveled one time, to a special place

You remember that feeling, along with a face

The time spent there, the waves on the shore

The memories of being there, can mean so much more

When you are older, you have more memories stored

Because there are many more places, that you explored

I look forward to the future, I love the present and past

I enjoy reminiscing, because my memories are so vast

Reminiscing is one thing we all do. As we get older, we

have many more places we can go to in our memories.

It's like a film being played within your mind, and you

are watching a rerun of something you enjoyed so very

much. Many times when we reminisce of someone who

has passed, we get emotional at the loss. Yet, we must

remember all the joy they gave us while they were here,

and smile and take that feeling with us as we travel to

the future.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Washington School


Washington School

© by Bud Lemire on June 17, 2022

I'm taken back, a long time ago

Teachers and classmates, that I came to know

I didn't start there, I'll have to skip just one

Memories of going there, we sure had a lot of fun

First Grade Mrs. Woodard, Second Grade Mrs. Cass

Third Grade Mrs. Sprague, time sure went fast

Fourth Grade Mrs. Tippett, Fifth Grade Mr. Leduc

In the Winter time, we had to wear a chook

The Sixth Grade, we had Ms. Severe

I remember the teachers from every year

In Second Grade, we moved from the old to the new

After Washington School, is when I really grew

Memories bring me back there, with just a thought

And I find myself in the class, right at that very spot

Playing marbles, tether ball, or on the Jungle Gym

As children, we did so many things on a whim

Being a Cross Guard, was something to enjoy

At Washington School, I was just a little boy

As Washington School, the building we once knew

Becomes a parking lot for buses, its schooling days are through

Of course it's been awhile since it was a school. Many times

priorities come first. Safety for the kids who go to the school

once called Junior High. Changes are a part of life. We all

know about them, as we have each gone through so many.

Seems like every year there are changes, of one kind or another.

Our memories of that time will always be with us, or in my case

written down in a poem or somewhere else.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Pulling Out Each Weed


Pulling Out Each Weed

© by Bud Lemire on June 16, 2022

Learning to let go

Comes in many ways I know

Items that you kept, that you no longer need

Takes up space in life's garden, pull it like a weed

Time to get rid of things, that have been put away

Never to be used again, it doesn't need to stay

It's not easy, to say goodbye to something in your home

I valued it more than I should have, I know I'm not alone

As the years go by, each item that is here

I look over carefully, some need to disappear

Hold it up, and bring it close to your heart

If it doesn't call out to it, then it must depart

Little by little, I rid myself of things

Each day I wake up, a little less it clings

Maybe someone else will value it, my time is done

So I'll pass it on, so they can have some of that fun

I'll keep what means the most, to my very heart

I know for me, that this is just a start

Every week, that I get rid of stuff that I don't need

Will be like life's garden, pulling out each weed

Letting go of things you no longer need is like pulling

out weeds. It leaves the flowers alone, and they can

shine so much brighter. There are other things that

mean so much more. These weeds can be let go. Let

someone else cherish the weed as a flower. It became

a weed in your life. It's served its purpose, and now

must carry on in a new home. I shall continue to pull

out weeds, for the rest of my life. But what the heck,

it'll give me something to do during the winter and

rainy days.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Door Decoration


Door Decoration

© by Bud Lemire on June 4, 2022

People put plaques on their door, or a door decoration

To celebrate a holiday, or some other occasion

Here at Harbor Tower, it's great to have one on your door

Sometimes we get off the elevator, and we're not on the right floor

I have a heart on my door, it was for Valentines Day

I kept it there, because it had something to say

Home is where your heart is,” was hitting me true

It's been my home since 2004, and it's helped me through

The heart is a symbol of love, and I'd like to think

I shared much of my love, I say with a wink

Some have a 4th Of July plaque, or a Summer décor

Or something else they love, that means so much more

The beat of the heart, the décor on my door

When I'm deep in thought, I know it's my floor

If my apartment door, doesn't show a heart

My key won't open it, and I must depart

Most times, I'm alert and aware

Other times, I could be anywhere

Sometimes we get off the elevator, and realize it's not our floor

Here at Harbor Tower, it's great to have a decoration on your door

I think it's a great idea and it actually stands out for you. When you

come home and see your door that has the decoration you put there.

But there are those times your mind does wander in thoughts and you

follow someone off on their floor, and you notice something else on

the door. The thought hits you, this isn't my floor. So you get back on

the elevator and take it to your floor. In my case, home is where the

heart is.