My Forever Girl
© by Bud Lemire on Nov 12, 2023
My Forever Girl, is always around
In my apartment, she doesn't make a sound
Although once, she called my name
It's because, she's my Twin Flame
It's not a haunting, she's not a ghost
She's a spirit in love, and the one I love most
She's hanging out, with my family over there
In the Spirit World, they're not here to scare
She may have passed, but her soul never died
She's the soul I'll love forever, she's also my guide
She sends me messages, to let me know she's still in my life
You could even say, in a sense, that she's my spiritual wife
You see, in life, she was stuck in a place
Now she is free as a spirit, and has much more space
She spends her time, watching over me
She's my Forever Girl, and will always be
She follows my life, and never leaves my side
Her love is the best, she's my spiritual bride
In my life, she knows what goes on every day
She's my Forever Girl, who I love in every way
Ever since the day Vicki & I connected spiritually back on Oct 17, 2012,
we have been spiritually linked closely together. This kind of love is so
much higher than any human love. It means through distance, we have been
close. She was many miles apart, but she was always with me. That hasn't
changed at all since she passed. Her love still watches over me and guides me.
She lets me know that she approves of my life when she does. She also lets me
know if there is something I should be doing. It is always my choice. Her human birthday is Nov 16. And I love her with all my soul. Happy Birthday Vicki!