Sunday, January 28, 2024




© by Bud Lemire on Jan 23, 2024

He always smiled, in a certain kind of way

As if he was searching, for something to say

Words could not come out, the way he wanted them to

Yet this wonderful man, did the best that he could do

I recall upon arrival one day, I asked him what was wrong

He thought awhile, and then the words came along

He looked at me, and said “I can not think”

I explained to him, not all was in sync

Even though, he could not think like before

He was a man, anyone could easily adore

I came to love, this very special man

Somehow I understood, as only I can

He was smart, this I did know

Just needed time, then it would show

He knew words, and numbers too

Yet his mind had trouble, getting things through

When this happens, to someone you know

You have to care enough, for your love to show

With anyone you know, you will find

They just need a certain key, to unlock their mind

That key, he found, when he passed away

He can think much better, he's going to be more than okay

When anyone has dementia, they're not the same as before. Yet,

many times, a spark of their personality will shine through.

Even with dementia, Walter was a wonderful man that I was

honored to know and share time with. Thank you Walter!

As a Senior Companion, you meet many wonderful people.

This was one of the many that I meet as a volunteer.

A Cold January


A Cold January

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 17, 2024

It's an ice cold January, getting to Ten below

You can freeze your mouth, if you say hello

Dress up warm, don't want you to freeze

You might want to cough, or even sneeze

A little bit of ice, and then there's some snow

Be careful when driving, wherever you go

A very warm coat, is needed today

A scarf, mittens, and chook will be okay

Plan very well, if you do some walking

Below zero temperatures, is what I am talking

Sometimes your car, just won't want to start

Don't let cold weather, keep you and your job apart

Put on your boots, so you won't slip

Otherwise you'll fall, it'll be a quick trip

Then it might be, too hard to get up

You might be ready, for Coffee filled cup

Life as a Yooper, is surviving the cold

Whether you're young, or if you're old

When you are older, it's harder to do

When you are younger, body heat helps you

A snow mobile is fun, to go for a ride

You might see deer, off to the side

Ice Fishing is something, people love to do

Be careful of thin ice, or you will fall through

When the wind comes along, it can freeze you to the bone

It's best to have someone with you, so you aren't alone

When you live as a Yooper, you get use to the weather

Enjoying all the seasons, is what most of us treasure

I remember one time, the roads were like sheets of ice

Drivers were sliding everywhere, it wasn't very nice

I walked to work, and it wasn't easy to do

I made it to my job, but I made it through

Whether it's hot or cold, here in the U. P.

I always find, it's a great place to be

I wouldn't live elsewhere, this is where I want to be

The U.P. Of Michigan, is the best place for me

I talk about how cold it was. Not long after that, the

weather warmed up and the snow melted and we had

rain. But we still have February and March. So we

shall see what weather those months bring.