Hope In A Dark World
© by Bud Lemire on Nov 27, 2024
In a world which may seem dark
Be the one that is the spark
Shine like a star, on top of the Christmas Tree
Always try your best, in all things you will be
You can endure, and you will win
Even when your world will spin
Look deep inside, what do you like to do?
Get involved, in all things that feel true
Hope in a world, when things get turned around
Light in a world, where darkness is always found
Together with many, going through the exact same thing
Together in harmony, it's the same song that we sing
Keep yourself busy, so that the time will fly
No need to feel sorrow, no need for you to cry
I stick to nature, the wonders of life to be treasured and seen
The beauty of the Spring time, when colors turn to green
I listen to music, at every chance
I feel it, sometimes I'll even dance
Life is too short, to be lost and alone in the dark
Let hope in a dark world, be the brightest spark
With these changing times, many are feeling the darkness more.
Where there is darkness, there is light. Always seek to find that
light, and bask in it. Whether it be a Christmas Tree light, or a
light coming from outside your window on a dark night. Let it
be the sunshine, shining on a beautiful blue sky. You are not
alone. Many are in that very same darkness, and sometimes
we can come together, and be each others light. Life will
go on, and these dark times will gradually turn to gray,
and then back to brighter days for everyone.