Friday, November 29, 2024

Hope In A Dark World


Hope In A Dark World

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 27, 2024

In a world which may seem dark

Be the one that is the spark

Shine like a star, on top of the Christmas Tree

Always try your best, in all things you will be

You can endure, and you will win

Even when your world will spin

Look deep inside, what do you like to do?

Get involved, in all things that feel true

Hope in a world, when things get turned around

Light in a world, where darkness is always found

Together with many, going through the exact same thing

Together in harmony, it's the same song that we sing

Keep yourself busy, so that the time will fly

No need to feel sorrow, no need for you to cry

I stick to nature, the wonders of life to be treasured and seen

The beauty of the Spring time, when colors turn to green

I listen to music, at every chance

I feel it, sometimes I'll even dance

Life is too short, to be lost and alone in the dark

Let hope in a dark world, be the brightest spark

With these changing times, many are feeling the darkness more.

Where there is darkness, there is light. Always seek to find that

light, and bask in it. Whether it be a Christmas Tree light, or a

light coming from outside your window on a dark night. Let it

be the sunshine, shining on a beautiful blue sky. You are not

alone. Many are in that very same darkness, and sometimes

we can come together, and be each others light. Life will

go on, and these dark times will gradually turn to gray,

and then back to brighter days for everyone.

Building A Play List


Building A Play List

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 27, 2024

I'm building a play list, that I can listen to

Of songs through the years, it's what I like to do

These songs are from 40's, 50's, and 60's too

The 70's through the 2000's, many songs you knew

They strike on a memory, in your life they are dear

Some hit a chord, that will make you shed a tear

I haven't heard that one, in a very long time

Great to hear again, I first heard it in my prime

I bet there are some, that you didn't know

The DJ's didn't play all of them, on the radio

My friend Basil, introduced me to many a group

That music today, warms my heart like a bowl of soup

It's great to hear them again, when I do

I bet these songs, do the same thing to you

Nostalgic to enjoy, and it takes me back there

Music in songs, is always so much fun to share

Sometimes a video is what you'd like to see

I can look back to, when we watched MTV

Now they are on YouTube, for you to watch there

There's so much to see, music will take you everywhere

Currently I'm putting together songs from the 70's.

But after I am done, it'll be back to the 60's and then

on to the 80's. It's fun to listen to these songs, and

explore new ones. I'm so happy there is so much

great music in this world through the years.

Monday, November 11, 2024

There's A Devil


There's A Devil

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 11, 2024

There's a Devil coming to The White House, he's coming straight from Hell

He's even got some Bibles, caps, and shoes he wants to sell

But the biggest thing he'll sell, is a lot of bullshit for you

It was proven in the 2024 election, and you thought it was untrue

You thought crap was hard, you just wait until he gets there

You'll be wondering what happened, in the middle of nowhere

The prices will skyrocket, your money won't be worth anything

You weren't paying attention, so you were the ding-a-ling

He'll take us back so many years, your head will spin

You'll forget what year it is, and so much more will begin

You didn't see it coming, you didn't see it at all

This great nation that we live in, will stumble and maybe fall

If he plans on monitoring pregnancies, I think it's only fair

We put a lock and key on his little penis, and monitor it, I swear!

Bring back the guillotine, and his head would be the first to take the walk

Because no one could get him even close, to being in a Cell Block

Oh yes the world is watching, 90% of the world hates him so

When something like this happens, it's time for him to go

I'm not a bad person, but I know someone out there will be

They'll take him down quickly, for causing so much misery

I'm positive the election was rigged. Nobody with that much

power and money should ever be a President. He is not my

President and never will be. Our worst Nightmare has come

to be. There's a Devil in the White House. America voters,

were stupid for the second time. He paid off someone, and

rigged it. As far as I'm concerned he has never fought fairly.

I truly believe there's a bullet for him, but it's not from me.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Felines In A Cancer Hospital


Felines In A Cancer Hospital

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 10, 2024

We are the felines, in a Cancer Hospital

We'll run for help, if we hear you fall

We lay by your side, in your bed

We listen, to every word you said

They train us professionally, to do all sorts of things

Some patients say, they're sure we have wings

They even have a place, where we can interact

It releases all of our stress, as a matter of fact

When you have nasty tests, when they are done

There are so many in pain, it keeps us on the run

It gets confusing, on where we should be

So many are hurting, we're running to see

We're empathic, to all the pain you're going through

We'll give you comfort, we know exactly what to do

We'll follow you out, when you walk in the hall

We'll be on hand, in case you should fall

We're trained to be the best, and we'll do our very best

We are ready to be by your side, after every test

Did you see that spirit, I know what I saw

Coming to comfort a patient, I'm so in awe

Cats are trained to help in so many ways in

the Cancer Hospitals and many other Hospitals.

They comfort and prolong lives everywhere.

They're trained to do their very best, and they do.

They're a must for hospitals that can afford them.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

My MP3 Player


My MP3 Player

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 8, 2024

On my MP3 Player, I have tons of songs I listen to

That I came to have, all my lifetime through

From the 40's, all the way to this year

Each one, to me, is so very dear

This one is a bluetooth, no wires needed to hear

My speaker is perfect, the tunes are loud and clear

I listen day and night

In darkness and in light

I play it on random, it plays them for me

It's a “Me Made” radio station, and it's the DJ

I hand picked the songs to play

Everything is always done my way

Over 4,000 songs I can listen to

Believe me, I will and I do

From the Andrew Sisters, to the Plain White T's

I just started listening, and I'm still on the B's

It'll take me forever, to get through

I have time, so that's what I will do

This little player, which takes a mini SD Card

Is so easy to enjoy, I'm glad it's not that hard

I have tons of music I've collected in my lifetime.

I had my music on my phone with a MP3 Player.

Thing is, all the other things would interrupt my

music, so I decided to try the MP3 Player again.

This one has a 128 GB mini SD card, which holds

4 times as much as my phone one held. In fact I

am still working on filling it up. The only problem

is, the player sorts them in different places. So I

need to search for them. Otherwise, I really enjoy it.

Only Time Will Tell


Only Time Will Tell

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 8, 2024

Only time will tell

If he does well

He screwed up before

Too hard to ignore

I'd like to see him do it right

Because I don't want another fight

In the rallies, he had a lot to say

Revenge should never be the American way

He's being watched closely, by everyone

Let's see what he can do, before he is done

America will remember you by what you do”

You can make it a good one, for you”

Discrimination, should never be a President's role

Keeping America proud, should be your goal

The world is looking from everywhere, at you

Don't be the person, that we thought we knew

Be the head of a nation, strong and true

That will help, our country get through

You'll be respected, so much more

Otherwise. It'll be too hard to ignore

Watch your mouth, with what you say

Because Karma's a bitch, and you will pay

I gave him a chance last time, and he screwed up.

If he is the same man, from what he said at his rallies

then maybe he hasn't learned his lesson. I am hoping

he learned something. When you take on the role of

President of a great country like ours, you're suppose to

be a great role model for the children of this world.

From his rallies, he hasn't shown me he can be.

As a President, I am hoping he can be better.

He is under the microscope as President, and will be

closely watched by everyone around him.