Thursday, October 10, 2024

Equality In America


Equality In America

© by Bud Lemire on Oct 10, 2024

This Election Year, there are people who seem so rude

It's a battle among ourselves, a downright dirty feud

The Reds are totally against the Blue

And the Purple, don't know what to do

People are changing sides, in this political dance

The truth is out there, but people won't give it a chance

Can you not hear, all that is said

We call those people, an Airhead

Most of the other countries know

Where all our votes should go

We want someone who has respect

Not someone who will always neglect

We're moving ahead, not moving back

We need someone, who will keep us on track

Women should always have their rights

Blacks should always be, as equal as the whites

In America, we should all be equal and stand together

Not be disciplined and punished, and on a tether

Nobody should be threatened because of their vote

In America, we're all sitting in the very same boat

I'm not for the rich, I'm for helping others get by

Assisting those who need it, to succeed if we try

Meals on Wheels and the Senior Companion Program should never disappear

We'll all be elderly some day, and we'll depend on these programs here

Someone who wants to eliminate Meals on Wheels,

The Senior Companion Program, other

Volunteer programs, and Social Security.

Someone who wants to control women, and degrade Blacks.

Someone you can't trust. Someone who is rich and has too much power,

shouldn't be running this great country of ours.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Light Beyond Book Shop


The Light Beyond Book Shop

© by Bud Lemire on Oct 3, 2024

We sell Heavenly books and so much more

You'll feel enlightened, when you walk in the door

Just as you walk in, there's a big sign on the wall

Saying “Welcome to Beyond, We Send Love And Light To All”

The books all placed neatly, seemed to be aglow

The shop seemed alive with lights, getting brighter as you go

Not too bright to see, but it touched your very soul

What they didn't realize was, that feeling inside, was their goal

The old shopkeeper, gray hair and balding head

Sat at a desk writing, that's where they were lead

He looked up and smiled, his smile was so kind

He asked them if there was anything, he could help them find

They weren't even sure, what they were looking for

In fact they felt it was a dream, that lead them to this door

It was a feeling, a knowing, something that felt so right

That lead them to this book shop, that was shining so bright

They found a book that seemed to shine, it was the right kind

All about “The Afterlife,” which resonated completely to their mind

They knew life went on after we die, because they talked to those Passed

They live on in what you call Heaven, even when their Earth bodies don't last

For the believers, we already know that those who are gone from this world

live on in the Spirit World, and we shall join them one day when our time comes.

For those who are unsure, believe me, they come around to check on you, because

their love for you is so strong, nothing can keep them apart.

Those who don't believe, you'll find out when you pass. I won't even try to

convince you, when the time is right, you will know, and be very surprised.

Love & Light To All

Thursday, September 26, 2024

He Called The Police


He Called The Police

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 11, 2024

I really thought, he might be a friend

Yet sometimes he acted strange, and again

I wondered about him, when he lost his temper at me

Then at times, he acted a bit goofy

When he called the police, on my friend

And he called them, again and again

Was he truly, someone you could call a friend

Why did he, keep following the same trend

None of it, made sense to me

He was acting, like he was crazy

Nobody calls the police, five times on his friends

It was about time, that his craziness ends

He's been told, he's not to play dice any more

Calling the police, won't even the score

I've made up my mind

Kicked him out on his behind

We don't want a friend like that

Who'll call the police, he's a rat

He thinks he's winning, a game that he's losing

He should never, have ever been accusing

We were just out for some fun, and when he started

calling the police and making it a habit. He took it

too far. He called the Police five times on the dice

players. He called the Police five times on the director

of the Harbor Tower. His last time he was trying to get

the director to drop the eviction on him. When he wouldn't,

he called the police on him. He thinks he's in control and

wants to control everyone. In truth, he is out of control.

I hate being mean to anyone, but he crossed the line too

many times.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

In A Picture Of Mine


In A Picture Of Mine

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 7, 2024

You might be, in a picture of mine

I'm taking many pictures, all of the time

Maybe at Rock The Dock, is where I'll be

I could be looking, and it's you I see

I could see you, at the Waterfront Art Festival one day

I'd take a good picture, and it would turn out okay

If I saw you, at the U.P. State Fair

Walking on the midway, if I saw you there

If you strolled along, on Aronson Island for awhile

I just can't resist, capturing your smile

If you're on a paddle board, or in a boat

I'd take a picture, because it isn't remote

If I saw you out my window, going for a walk

I might take a picture, as you come around the block

I love to capture people, enjoying life each minute

So in my photo collection, you just might be in it

I don't do it, to hurt anyone at all

I enjoy it, you could say it's my call

In the public, you might be in a picture of mine

At a special event, I'm taking pictures all the time

I hardly ever leave home without my camera.

Because I never know what or who I might

want a picture of. On the times I didn't

bring my camera, I missed some great

shots. As a photographer, you can't

always be everywhere at every time.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wandering In My Mind


Wandering in My Mind

© by Bud Lemire on Aug 6, 2024

I've been wandering in my mind

Wondering what it is I will find

With all that I have there, I could get lost

At least I won't have to worry, about the cost

I can travel back in time, to my childhood

Relive all the times then, that were so good

I could live a moment, in something that could have been

Get caught up in a feeling, and experience the zen

There's so many places, I could travel to

In my mind I wander, with people that I knew

Some happenings are made up, some are true

Yet these interactions happen, within my mind I view

I ask myself, how did I get here?

Within my mind, everything is clear

Yet I find mysteries, and I need a clue

Of some things in life, that I had gone through

Daydreams happen, and you are taken away

Only briefly are you there, because you can't stay

I travel to the future, leaving the past behind

I enjoy every moment, when I'm Wandering in my mind

Wandering in your mind can take you so many places.

It is also where you get your creative juices from.

It's a place to explore and find out so much more.

We have all been there at one time or another.

Some of us are prisoners there, but most of us

are just visiting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My Silo Haven


My Silo Haven

© by Bud Lemire on June 4, 2024

My Silo Haven, is my home and my heaven

I live eight floors up, from floor number seven

I take the elevator, to get up and down

And ride my bike, so I can get around

When it first opened, only seniors lived here then

It was called The Senior Silo, some remember when

In fact there's one, who was here at the start

Joan is her name, and she has a wonderful heart

I recall her saying “she was young when she moved in”

Now she's a senior, she smiles and says with a grin

I love this Escanaba icon, it's been my home for over twenty years

I am glad to have lived here this long, so I give it many cheers

It's nearby all the places, that I love to be

From the fifteenth floor, there's so much I can see

The boats on the water, coming in to dock

People on the sidewalk, going for a walk

I've made many friends in the time that I've been here, a variety of them I'd say

I spend nights visiting and playing games with them, and I like it that way

My Silo Haven, the Oatmeal box, so glad to call you home

Aronson Island nearby, is one of the places I like to roam

I like living here, I've had some great times here

Met some special people, whom are so very dear

I moved in on July 1, 2004, and on July 1, 2024 I've been here

20 years. There's been many changes in staff and residents,

yet they have all turned out good. Met some really great people

here. I have some great memories of years gone by. As well as

shed some tears over some who have passed. In the end, the

friends here, have made living here, a pleasure. Thank you.




© by Bud Lemire on June 5, 2024

Why are people so persnickety, I'd really like to know

Why can't they just accept the outcome, and then let it go

You could say, fastidious is the word

It's gotten to the point, of being absurd

You've got to understand, not everyone will be like you

You may think you're better, but it's simply not true

What you know, may be more knowledge than the rest

Change the subject, and they just might know the best

Accept them, accept you, let all things just be

Let things be as they are, that really is the key

Some people that you know, think it's very impolite

To tell them they are wrong, and that you are right