Friday, February 28, 2025

Where Is The Soul Of America


Where is The Soul Of America

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2025

Where is the soul of America, can someone please tell me

It seems to have disappeared, and it's somewhere it shouldn't be

I know it's out there, among the people that I know

We need it back, so we can continue to shine and grow

The other countries gasp and think “What happened to our friend?”

They wonder how far, this great nation will have to bend

Do something, do something” a weak voice cried out

It was rigged by the rich, I can say that without a doubt”

The world trembled, as it shifted in its place

While the America we once knew, wears an ugly face

Cut this out, and cut that out too” said the mad man in DC

We'll make America great again, according to me”

He handcuffed Lady Liberty, threw away her pride

And something in America, suddenly just died

People in this once great nation, worried for what was to come

Why is he doing this, and why is he so stupid and so dumb?”

All he wanted, was to have complete and total control

He didn't realize, his way would just make a big hole

America needs to fight, like it never had before

Against itself, so it can be a proud nation once more

Where is the soul of America, it's out there somewhere I know

We need to bring it back, so it can heal and so it can grow

Let's stop this disease, that is centered in DC

America is hostage, and we need to set it free

I know the soul is out there among the people, who know

what is happening in this country isn't right. We think of

America as someone we want our sons and daughters to

grow up to be. But not this time, nobody should ever be

like him. When he makes other countries upset at us, he's

looking for trouble, and it makes other countries stronger

and he is in for war, and this time,he will be the loser.

I love America! But the nasty leaders have to Go.

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