Monday, November 28, 2011

In Every Year

  By Bud Lemire on Dec 20, 2008

As the year ends, keep this in mind
A new one begins, leaving the other behind
Memories shared in the year that has passed
More in the New Year, special ones that will last
Moments to treasure, with each passing day
Beauty all around us, put on display
Every year holds so much for each
Think of each day and what it can teach
In every day there’s something good to be found
If your eyes are open and you look around
Take in the song that life’s sung for you
Be happy in everything that you do
Treat others in a good way, and you’ll receive what you give
Each moment is precious in this life that we live
The unselfishness we learn will set us free
Our spirit will fly, and all things will be
A kind smile for a stranger or maybe a friend
Will carry them far, with the image you send
Get the most out of each moment, then you will know
From each experience, it’ll help your spirit to grow
Don’t dwell on the worst of what will come to be
Think of the best future, that is the key
For In Every Year there’s so much to behold
As the days all add up, miracles of life will unfold

Remember to enjoy each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, each minute, each second of your life…for each moment is precious. Time changes everyone and everything, and we can never go back to this one moment again…except in our memories.

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