2003 by Bud Lemire
I recall our old Auntie Fish
With the snuff falling onto the cake dish
The piece of cake brother Jim couldn’t eat
But my brother Jay thought it tasted sweet
Every Sunday she’d come to stay
A game of Cootie, a visit for the day
We played cards, she liked them too
And I recalled things she would do
She put that snuff right up her nose
Sometimes it would fall, right on her clothes
There was a day I dressed up in disguise
As a cousin from Marquette, I felt so wise
She didn’t know which cousin I could be
And later I let her know that it was me
She would speak into my tape recorder, waiting for a reply
Her voice was what came back, she was wondering why
She didn’t realize, it was herself she heard
As she listened closely to every word
Those days so long ago have passed
But the special memories will always last
Bringing me back to yesterday
When Auntie Fish came to stay
Exilia Belanger-Poisson (Auntie Fish as we called her, Poisson is French for Fish) came over on Sundays and stayed for dinner. We’d pass the time away playing cards with her, or Cootie, or some other things. She’d have some Copenhagen snuff with her and would always be putting it up her nose. Her Mother married my great grandfather Louis PINARD.
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