Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Polish Poker

Polish Poker
© by Bud Lemire on May 9, 2019

Take out the Sevens, Aces, and Kings too
Deal out all the cards, until you are through
Throw the two dice, add the total of each dice
If you have that number, that'll be pretty nice

Sevens are wild, choose any card to throw in
Doubles mean another shake, and a chance you could win
Be sure to pass the dice, so the next person can throw
So it'll be easier, when it's their turn to go

If you don't have the card, of the total of dice you threw
Others with that card, throw theirs in the middle too
Set up your cards in an “easy to find” way
Whatever works for you, will be okay

It's a fast paced game, and easy to learn
Goes around fast, with each taking a turn
Don't have to be Polish to play the game
Many Nationalities play, it's just a name

Come join us for a game today
You'll enjoy it, so come on lets play
We call it Polish Poker, it's so much fun
It's a game that can be played by everyone

I started playing the game with my fellow Senior
Companions, and enjoyed it so much, I had to share
it with the residents I visit weekly. They enjoy it too.
Although there are many versions of the game, this is
the one I learned, and I play it this way. It's a simple
game, and enjoyed by all who play it. Whatever you
call it, I still call it FUN, because that is what it is.

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