Saturday, September 5, 2020

Say Achoo


Say Achoo!

© by Bud Lemire on Sept 3, 2020

I know, I know, you already knew

It's that time again, to say Achoo

Itchy eyes, making it hard to resist

I sneeze and blow, and that's not the twist

My nose keeps running, and it's hard to breathe

Just as I'm getting comfortable, I start to sneeze

We won't talk about the state of my hair

When I sneeze, it flies everywhere

I lost my appetite once, had chicken broth instead

I could be Rudolph, because my nose is so red

I call them Hellergies, because you sure go through Hell

But after that I'll need a nap, because it suits me well

What's all that stuff doing in the air

I sneeze and sneeze, and then start to swear

Those allergies, won't give me a break

My nose runs more, with each breath I take

I know there's many remedies, to help us get through

It didn't work for me, but it might work for you

An allergy pill, and maybe it will go away

But it always comes back, the very next day

Let's sneeze together in harmony, and then blow our nose

And shiver our timbers, right down to our toes

I sneeze so strongly, and then let a fart

I think my body, is falling apart

Red eyes that itch, sneezing, running nose, congestion, hard

to breathe. Yep, it's allergy time again. Seems like it zaps

all my energy.

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