Monday, November 30, 2020

This Year


This Year

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 30, 2020

In my life, I think back on all the years

This year, has brought on most of the tears

The fear of what was yet to be

Being safe, was the greatest key

Yet, if you let your guard up, once or twice

The Virus would get you, which wasn't very nice

As humans, we're taught what it means to be together

This year, keeping the distance, we found new ways we could treasure

Value ourselves, and the time we are alone

Think of the many people, that we have known

I'll take a picture, or maybe write a poem

As I sit looking out my window, safely in my home

I've always been alone, as far as I can see

I've come to love my company, as I spend time with me

I have friends and family, who call me on the phone

So physically I may be, but I'm truly never alone

As this year comes to an end, thoughts bring on a smile

I think of what we've been through, and for quite awhile

Even though the virus, has brought on so much fear

I'm so happy that I made it through, This Year

With Covid this year. So many of us feared it, while

others ignored it. We had to social distance ourselves

from others. It made it harder on those who had to stay

away from those we love. And then to see some of them

pass. For me, it was more alone time. In this world, I have

always been alone physically. In my mind, I have been with

many (the phone, skype, etc). As we travel through the last

month of this Covid year. Remember, you are never truly alone.

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