Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I Don't Use Make Up


I Don't Use Make Up

© by Bud Lemire on April 20, 2021

I don't use make up, I use compassion

I try to stick with, the latest fashion

I try to understand, what others are going through

I'm sure you'd want the same, if it happened to you

Understanding, is needed here

Until it is, it'll be unclear

It's like battling an invisible enemy

A force, that nobody else can see

Just because, we can not see

It is still there, causing misery

You can “suck it up,” and try to be tough

You can ignore it, but enough is enough

Acting tough, is being untrue

I know, that isn't really you

Using compassion, shows that you care

That your mind is working, and is well aware

Your friend, is going through a hard time

Being an ear of comfort, wouldn't be a crime

I don't use make up, I use compassion

I try to stick with, the latest fashion

When you truly care about someone, you will

make an effort to understand what they are

going through. Try seeing it from where they

are at. You may handle things differently, but

you aren't in their shoes. You can easily say,

If I was them I would do this, or be like this.”

But, you haven't been where they are, and you

are not them. Everyone handles things a bit

differently than the other. Some are more sensitive

than others. Use some compassion. It's the wise

thing to do.

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