Monday, May 17, 2021

The 45s


The 45's

© by Bud Lemire on May 16, 2021

I've loved music, from the first moment I could hear

I'd listen to music, every day of the year

Mom would sing to us, a song that she knew

It played throughout my life, as I matured and I grew

My brother Terry, had an old record player I'd play

45s spun around, I listened to them every day

I bought my first new 45, it was ABBA's “SOS”

Yet, there was a place, where I could pay for them less

Upstairs of B.F. Goodrich, Major Utilities was found

Many days, it's where I was bound

Just a quarter for one 45, or five for a dollar

On my way home, I was so happy I could holler

Out of the Jukebox, and what a good deal

I lived in each song, even if it wasn't real

I heard about someone, selling a big box of 45s at a garage sale

On the south side, in the mid to late 70's, and this is the tale

Off I went, my Dad gave me a ride

A woman greeted me, on the inside

I was short of money, but Dad helped me out

He knew I loved music, he knew what fun was all about

In the year 2021, as it came to be

A Cousin told of, how her 45s were sold to me

You see, those 45s, influenced my musical taste

And to think, they almost all went to waste

These days, I share copies of the music I like to hear

With that very same Cousin, who is a friend and is dear

I didn't know her back in the 70's. It wasn't until the 90's

that we would find out we were cousins. Abba's “SOS”

that I bought was at Advanced Electric on Ludington street.

Major Utilities was on the East side of the building upstairs,

of B. F. Goodrich. A man with the last name of Flath and his

two sons ran the place.

You're A Hero


You're A Hero

© by Bud Lemire on May 16, 2021

You're a hero, every day you must fight

When darkness comes, you must reach for the light

With odds against you, you cling to your life

Even after surgeries, sliced everywhere with a knife

Always alert, not a moment of peace here

The future is unknown, and there's always the fear

It's a big pill to swallow, a small camera is there

Inside your body, snapping pictures to share

You keep on wondering, what will they find

Hopefully nothing, is what comes to your mind

How much more of this can I take?”

I ask for relief, in return I just ache”

You are a warrior, out in the field

A hero, who wonders, what will it yield

So many passed, from what I'm going through”

Why am I still here, fighting like I do?”

There's no easy answer, to the question you ask

It's even harder, when you must complete the task

Release the tears, because you're a hero

Giving 100%, even when you feel like a zero

There are heroes out there every day, who are

fighting off life threatening diseases. Every

day, they have to fight pain, and tests, and

the fear that they could pass at any time.

These people, who are weak from all their

tests they have to go through. Yet, still have

a smile to share with us. They still have a

laugh to laugh with us. Despite all they've

been through. These people are the true


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A New Hope


A New Hope

© by Bud Lemire on May 5, 2021

Let's change the word “Cancer,” to the word “Hope”

For the people who are having, a hard to time to cope

Let's give it a new meaning, let's give it a new role

That those going through it, will once again be whole

Hope that a cure, soon will be found

And labs are working on it, worldwide around

Hope that one day, that people like us

Will live with less pain, for that is a must

We all need hope, to help us through

That somehow, some way, it will come true

We can't go on living, in a world so bleak

Because there are days, when I am so weak

There are days, when it's so hard to be

The tests that they give, are so rough on me

The Doctors and Nurses here, are the best

But I'd really prefer, to skip the test

My family and friends support me, which helps in one way

Yet there are times it is so hard, to get through every day

I try my best, to get through and to cope

But instead of “Cancer,” what we need is “A New Hope”

This is for all my friends and family who are dealing

with “A New Hope.”

Sunday, May 2, 2021




© by Bud Lemire on May 2, 2021

When a person passes, everyone should know

Their life's story, in which an obituary will show

Not just their birth date, or the day that they died

But the person they were, on the inside

The parents, and the Mother's maiden name

I loved it when the Obituaries, listed those who came

The number of children, and their names listed too

All of their siblings, in the family that they knew

It should tell a story, of the deceased person to see

So we can all read, about their life's fulfilled destiny

Their interests and life's work, and all that they have done

Because life is too short, not to include some sort of fun

I want to see more people, responding with how they knew

That person who passed, from their point of view

Write something good, so we all can read

About that special person, it's what we all need

An obituary shouldn't be too short, like some can be

It should be well written, to keep in our memory

We may just know part, of the story that is told

With other's input, their whole story will unfold

I love a well written obituary. One that tells you a

story about the person. Sometimes it is so well done

that even when you don't know them, you wish you had.

Some are way too short and not informative, and I don't

believe anyone deserves that. There may be someone

in years to come who wants to know more about that

person. Without the proper information, they won't know.

Even if the big cities can't post a full obituary. One should

be made and posted online somewhere. For those of us who

want to know. Unless of course you are a private person, and

even then, you can decide what to put in it, or not. I feel that

nobody should be forgotten.