Monday, May 17, 2021

The 45s


The 45's

© by Bud Lemire on May 16, 2021

I've loved music, from the first moment I could hear

I'd listen to music, every day of the year

Mom would sing to us, a song that she knew

It played throughout my life, as I matured and I grew

My brother Terry, had an old record player I'd play

45s spun around, I listened to them every day

I bought my first new 45, it was ABBA's “SOS”

Yet, there was a place, where I could pay for them less

Upstairs of B.F. Goodrich, Major Utilities was found

Many days, it's where I was bound

Just a quarter for one 45, or five for a dollar

On my way home, I was so happy I could holler

Out of the Jukebox, and what a good deal

I lived in each song, even if it wasn't real

I heard about someone, selling a big box of 45s at a garage sale

On the south side, in the mid to late 70's, and this is the tale

Off I went, my Dad gave me a ride

A woman greeted me, on the inside

I was short of money, but Dad helped me out

He knew I loved music, he knew what fun was all about

In the year 2021, as it came to be

A Cousin told of, how her 45s were sold to me

You see, those 45s, influenced my musical taste

And to think, they almost all went to waste

These days, I share copies of the music I like to hear

With that very same Cousin, who is a friend and is dear

I didn't know her back in the 70's. It wasn't until the 90's

that we would find out we were cousins. Abba's “SOS”

that I bought was at Advanced Electric on Ludington street.

Major Utilities was on the East side of the building upstairs,

of B. F. Goodrich. A man with the last name of Flath and his

two sons ran the place.

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