Saturday, December 30, 2017

On The Fence

On The Fence

© by Bud Lemire on Dec 21, 2017

When you sit on the fence, you could fall either way

It might be tomorrow, or even today

Whichever way you fall, you'll do your best

Because inside of you, you have been blessed

With the experience you have, and all that was taught

Stored in your mind, made aware with a thought

Using the gift, that has made this you

You'll know exactly, what you should do

Look all around, what will this side of the fence bring

Greener grass, beautiful flowers, or almost anything

Sitting on a fence forever, won't bring you anywhere

Only when you know what to do, will you be aware

While you sit on the fence, take time to see

Look all around, and find out who you will be

Review each side of the fence, which side will you choose

No matter your choice, there is nothing to lose

The side that you pick, you'll make the best of

You'll do even better, if you do it with love

When you sit on the fence, you could fall either way

But it's up to you, what you'll do with each day

Some people waste their days away wondering what to do. The

choices we make while sitting there can bring us far. There are

no wrong choices, just experiences that will help us grow. Through

those experiences, we learn and we grow to be who we want to be.

But we shouldn't stay too long on that fence. For our time here is

limited, and we must make the most of each moment.

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