Friday, February 3, 2017



© by Bud Lemire on Jan 30 - 31, 2017

She didn't know, how she could break free

And thought being trapped there, was her destiny

Filemma was special, and yet she didn't know

She hadn't used her powers, so they didn't grow

When they came for her, not too long ago

Shackling her brutally, depressing her very soul

It's not so much, the cause of what she had done

Her captors, always liked a little fun

They blamed her for the uprising, in the southern part

Rising up against their ruler, upsetting the apple cart

She didn't see them hiding, around the corner of her house

They certainly were quiet, these rats were not a mouse

They had her shackled, tightly against the wall

Hanging up high, if she got out she'd surely fall

And yet she had a feeling, that maybe it wouldn't be

Yet what would break these shackles, and would set her free
Her mind took her back, thinking of an earlier time

When her Mother, Fortuana, had given her a sign

She said “We come from a line, of powerful sorcerers”

“We covered our powers, be selling many kinds of furs”

She remembered something as a kid

But wasn't sure what a sorcerer did

Maybe something to do with magic, in a way

Could it be in something, that she would say

Words were forming in her mind

Using her thoughts, she let them unwind

She pushed out at her restraint

Her shackles flew to the wall, like glitter paint

It didn't take much of a push, to set herself free

Now to escape this prison, and then she would see
As she peeked around the corner, she could see a guard

If there was only one, it shouldn't be so hard

She wondered how this sorcery, would work on a living man

So she once again pushed, while doing a body scan

She didn't push too hard, she finally had the knack

That guard toppled over, as if from a heart attack

Who needed weapons, when you had the power of sorcery

So powerful this magic, that it had set her free

This was the easy part, but more enemies were outside the wall

She wondered if her magic, would work against them all

She came to a door, and wondered where it lead

Opening it slowly, she saw someone sitting on a bed

A man with purple hair, and eyes the purest blue

“My Name is Mesco, please take me away with you”

Mesco was in a prison, and would need to be set free

She pushed at the door, and it opened without a key

Mesco smiled, as the door opened wide

And soon he was looking at the prison, from the outside

Filemma and Mesco headed down the hall

A dead end, it had lead them to a wall

Mesco pointed and whispered, “Out the back way”

The door that held the prison, brought them to the light of day

Before them lead a path, that lead to a mass of trees

A forest at the end, on one branch was a hive of bees

They followed the path, to see where it would go

Mesco took the lead, he seemed to know

He slowed down, and turned to Filemma to say

“There is hidden danger, if we go this way”

Filemma asked “what are you talking about?”

Then a fast movement, brought on a wild shout

Little people holding spears, behind the trees they came

“So this was the hidden danger,” Filemma thought without any blame

They were speaking, with their spears pointing ahead

So Filemma and Mesco, followed where they were lead

Following the little people, down the path that twists and turns

They passed trees, and bushes, and also many ferns

Little round houses, that looked to be made of grass

They came across a little woman, she was showing her ass

She was dancing in the middle of a circle, as people cheered

Filemma hope that they weren't forced into, doing something that she feared

They passed the dancer, and stopped by the biggest house

A little fat man was standing in the doorway, the woman must be his spouse
They motioned the captives inside, to a chair where they could sit

Across the room inside, a big candle was being lit

Mesco whispered “these are the Gitchies, this is a ceremony they hold”

Filemma was glad to know this, happy that she had been told

She asked Mesco, what would happen next

Mesco replied smiling, “Nothing to do with sex”

Relieved, yet that never cross her mind

She was happy to know, Mesco seemed so kind

A man stood up in front, and started to speak

Mesco with his forefinger, touched her on the cheek

He said “he is talking about us, to his people's ears”

Filemma listened, but she didn't have any fears
Mesco stood up, and spoke to them in their tongue

Words that flowed together, like a song that had been sung

Mesco turned to Filemma, and this is what he said

“Because we are enemies of the Castle men, we will not be dead”

“These are the Gitchies” said Mesco with a smile

“They have lived in these woods for quite awhile”

“They want to know, what brought you here”

“And to also tell you, you have nothing to fear”

Filemma looked up, and in her memory

Found that place, that brought her misery

“I was bathing , not far from here, in the nude”

“When the Castle Men, came upon me, and they were so rude”

“they held my clothes, watching as I came out”

“They called me dirty names, they started to shout”

“They let me get dressed, then tied me with a rope”

“Until a memory came upon me, I had given up on hope”
Mesco smiled again, as they Gitchies asked how they got free

Filemma replied “I realized through a memory, I retained sorcery”

“You come from beyond the Mountains,” said a Gitchy from the rear

Emotional, Filemma replied “yes,” with a tear

“I was searching for my sister, wondering where she could be”

“She wasn't with the same Castle men, so I couldn't set her free”

“Some men like the Castle men, had taken her away”

“I've been searching for her, every night and say”

A female Gitchy stepped forward, “There is a place called Consoom”

“A big place with many people, but it may cause you your doom”

“Many Castle men, and people, from all around”

“They dwell in this place, and here she might be found”
The female Gitchy point to the East

And said before they leave, they'll join them in a feast

The Feast with many foods, so many Gitchies from everywhere

They even gave Filemma, some food that they could spare

“One final gift, we give to you today”

“A charmed necklace,” as the female Gitchy walked away

“Whenever you need help, rub this charm light”

“It will help you anywhere, whether day or night”

A Gitchy guided them, to a place to lay their head

It wasn't quite as comfortable, as their own familiar bed

But soon Filemma and Mesco, faded into slumber

Cutting logs so many, they lost track of the number

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