Sunday, March 29, 2020

Social Distancing

Social Distancing
© by Bud Lemire on March 29, 2020

You stay away from me, I'll stay away from you
Don't want to catch that virus, don't want to catch the Flu
Don't come too close, stay away, you hear
The COVID19 virus, has everyone living in fear

I try to stay away, from people that I see
Six feet is the distance, that the space should be
Don't touch me! You might give it to me
Neither of us want it, I'm sure you will agree

Just got back from the store, and it sure isn't packed
The Toilet Paper is missing. I didn't see any stacked
Workers wearing rubber gloves, plexiglass in place
Yet they kept their social attitude, with a smile on their face

They even have a Senior Time, early in the morning
Everywhere you look, there is some kind of a warning
Stay Home, Stay Safe! That is the key
Lockdown in places, that aren't open for me

Wear a mask, if you need one for your face
High Risk people, make sure it's properly in place
It's Essential, when it is something that we need
Social Distancing, is how we shall proceed

When it's Social Distancing and staying home to
stay safe, you have a lot of alone time. Time to get
things done, you normally don't have time for. When
you live alone, you still have the phone, the internet, or
even a letter you can write to someone. Kick back and
watch something you enjoy, or read a book. Work on crafts.
But remember, you are not alone in this, we are aware and
doing our best to keep it away. With those words, I wish you
well, and please friends, Stay Safe.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID -19 Pandemic
© by Bud Lemire on March 19, 2020

It started in China, and when it did arrive
People were put into quarantine, fighting to stay alive
It's given everyone, quite a scare
When it got closer, we all became aware
It could be me, or it could be you
Those with no immune system, wondered if they'd get through
It spreads so quickly, anyone you see
Could have it, and give it to me

I try to stay calm, but I'm scared as hell
Who will survive this, only time will tell
Keep your distance from people, wipe off everything you use
Wash your hands often, keep following the health rules
Don't shake hands, in case they have it without knowing
It's invisible, but there are ways it'll be showing
Fever, shortness of breath, or even a cough can be a mild case
But if you're feeling worse, the Hospital is your place

Call your Doctor, and they'll know what to do
There will be others around, who will help you through
You are not alone, others are around
They'll guide you through, they're easily found
Relax and live your life, from day to day
Limit your public appearance, to keep it away
It's okay not to be social, in fact be a recluse
Limit yourself, to what you see or hear in the news

The COVID-19 Virus is scary! But if you follow the rules to keep it away,
you should be okay. There is always someone around to talk to.
Online, on the phone, etc. Sit back and take the time to read, watch
some TV, call a friend or family member. Write a poem. Do some
crafts. Enjoy the time to yourself. Be at peace, and know that
you are never alone.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper
© by Bud Lemire on March 14, 2020

I looked everywhere, I looked all around
There wasn't any Toilet Paper to be found
I guess I could use kleenix, or paper towels
I need something, when I let loose my bowels

All the stores emptied out, and when that was done
I realized, that they were the uninformed one
Diarrhea was not one of the symptoms listed there
Stupid people really need to understand and be aware

You made it hard for others, who needed it more
Those who were desperate to find it at the store
Some stores limited it, to one person to buy
Hoarding something, do you even know why?

People still have to be around others, it's true
This virus will be circulating, no matter what you do
Can you really stop others, from seeing their family
Forever? It really sounds pretty stupid to me

I understand if your immune system is low or none
Then your life is at risk, and under the gun
Then you live your life in a plastic bubble, if that's the case
Because you are able to get it from anyone, in the human race

So what you really did, was not thinking at all
Greedy is what you were, and that's pretty small
Why panic, when you do, it makes for a small brain
When calm, when aware, then the Toilet Paper will remain

I laugh at those who know no better. It's a virus, not the end
of the world. And if it was, what would toilet paper be good for?
My heart goes out to those who have no immune system, because
any virus is dangerous to them. The wise person follows simple
procedures, take care of yourself, wash your hands often, see your
Doctor regularly. When you use your head, you won't need so much
Toilet paper. Unless your brain is leaking. That might be a problem.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

That Damn Virus

That Damn Virus
© by Bud Lemire on March 1, 2020

Don't want that virus, no way, no how
Whether it came from an Anteater or a Cow
Don't know why it started, just want it to end
Because that damn virus, surely ain't my friend
Don't know why it started like that
All I know is, it's a dirty rat
A killer that will leave everyone dead
Away from everyone, is where it should be lead

They said it came, from another place
If it's not stopped, it might wipe out the human race
I hope it is studied well, so soon we will all know
So we can understand it better, how to make it go
It's scary, when your life is on the line
When all you wanted, was to feel fine
How can a virus can be caught, when we don't understand
What the heck it is, that is spreading across the land

I hope all the Medical staff, can find a cure really fast
Or there will many of us, who will never last
Hope we can contain it, so it won't spread
Because I don't want to wind up dead
Put me in a plastic bubble, safe as I can be
A virus is on the loose, and it is after me
Nobody asked for this, and yet it is there
I wonder if you can catch it, by touch or by air

How quick can this virus spread
From China to the USA, we're dead
Can anyone stop it, hurry please!
Will I be safe, hiding behind trees
Don't want Corona, the virus or the beer
It better not come around here
Don't need another virus that will kill
That damn virus, don't want to be ill

Those of us with a weak immune system are
more at risk. The medical staff is working
on it, and will let us know when they find
something that will help against it.