Saturday, March 21, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID -19 Pandemic
© by Bud Lemire on March 19, 2020

It started in China, and when it did arrive
People were put into quarantine, fighting to stay alive
It's given everyone, quite a scare
When it got closer, we all became aware
It could be me, or it could be you
Those with no immune system, wondered if they'd get through
It spreads so quickly, anyone you see
Could have it, and give it to me

I try to stay calm, but I'm scared as hell
Who will survive this, only time will tell
Keep your distance from people, wipe off everything you use
Wash your hands often, keep following the health rules
Don't shake hands, in case they have it without knowing
It's invisible, but there are ways it'll be showing
Fever, shortness of breath, or even a cough can be a mild case
But if you're feeling worse, the Hospital is your place

Call your Doctor, and they'll know what to do
There will be others around, who will help you through
You are not alone, others are around
They'll guide you through, they're easily found
Relax and live your life, from day to day
Limit your public appearance, to keep it away
It's okay not to be social, in fact be a recluse
Limit yourself, to what you see or hear in the news

The COVID-19 Virus is scary! But if you follow the rules to keep it away,
you should be okay. There is always someone around to talk to.
Online, on the phone, etc. Sit back and take the time to read, watch
some TV, call a friend or family member. Write a poem. Do some
crafts. Enjoy the time to yourself. Be at peace, and know that
you are never alone.

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