Sunday, March 29, 2020

Social Distancing

Social Distancing
© by Bud Lemire on March 29, 2020

You stay away from me, I'll stay away from you
Don't want to catch that virus, don't want to catch the Flu
Don't come too close, stay away, you hear
The COVID19 virus, has everyone living in fear

I try to stay away, from people that I see
Six feet is the distance, that the space should be
Don't touch me! You might give it to me
Neither of us want it, I'm sure you will agree

Just got back from the store, and it sure isn't packed
The Toilet Paper is missing. I didn't see any stacked
Workers wearing rubber gloves, plexiglass in place
Yet they kept their social attitude, with a smile on their face

They even have a Senior Time, early in the morning
Everywhere you look, there is some kind of a warning
Stay Home, Stay Safe! That is the key
Lockdown in places, that aren't open for me

Wear a mask, if you need one for your face
High Risk people, make sure it's properly in place
It's Essential, when it is something that we need
Social Distancing, is how we shall proceed

When it's Social Distancing and staying home to
stay safe, you have a lot of alone time. Time to get
things done, you normally don't have time for. When
you live alone, you still have the phone, the internet, or
even a letter you can write to someone. Kick back and
watch something you enjoy, or read a book. Work on crafts.
But remember, you are not alone in this, we are aware and
doing our best to keep it away. With those words, I wish you
well, and please friends, Stay Safe.

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