Monday, March 18, 2024

Unanswered Questions


Unanswered Questions

© by Bud Lemire on March 13, 2024

Unanswered Questions, are the ones you never ask

The ones you should have, but weren't up to the task

Not the most important ones, but the ones in which you dwell

The ones that make you wonder, but nobody would share or tell

Why did that happen, to that woman that you know?

What happened to that man, why did they let him go?

Why are they doing this, why are they doing that?

Why did she get a dog, when she should have had a cat?

Why did the manager, tell her what he did?

Someone said he yelled, and really blew his lid

It's these kind of questions, that make you wonder

Too afraid to intrude, in case it brings on thunder

The one who it's about, will answer the correct one

Then you know it's true, your wondering is done

Questioning things in your life, is the way to be

Sometimes you get the answers, much more easily

We all have unanswered questions going through our heads.

Sometimes we find out the answers, and other times we never

do in our lifetime.

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