Birthday Time
by Bud Lemire on Jan 22,
You ask me
how was My Birthday Time
I celebrated
it with and family, and friends of mine
There were
several gifts, and there was a cake
And precious
moments for my memory's sake
There were
peaceful times spent in solitude
That would
touch upon my every mood
There was an
inner peace, that I found when I was alone
When all the
thoughts I had, I could call my own
There were
time, when changes came
I was a
little worried, life wasn't the same
But I knew
within, that my spirit was strong
For within
the silence, I heard the Angel's song
It was sung
by those, who embraced the light
As we joined
together, to make all things right
light shining, on all it can be
candles burning, on my destiny
I know not my
future, or what it will bring
But I know
how I feel, when the Angels sing
I hope I
answered your question, about My Birthday Time
It's always
amazing, when you're one with the divine
If by chance you wondered how my birthday went,
this is the answers that came to me.
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