Thursday, March 25, 2021

My Childhood


My Childhood

© by Bud Lemire on March 24, 2021

My childhood was the best, I'll have to say

We weren't rich or poor, but we got by anyway

At Christmas time, my friends got mostly clothes

My family got lots of games, which helped us through the lows

In the neighborhood, we had lots of fun

Kick The Cans,” was a favorite with everyone

We played, until it got real dark outside

Our parents called us in, and we'd always abide

With my Bicycle, I explored all sides of town

Met so many friends, and I felt like a clown

Escanaba, was a fun place to be

Growing up here, was a good time for me

Catching frogs on the island, and bringing them home

We caught so many of them, and I was never alone

Pollywogs, in the pond by the beach

Couldn't catch any, as they were out of reach

Pioneer Trail park, smelting at Well's Bridge too

Never a dull moment, there was always something to do

Looking back on those days, they were so good

Escanaba was a great place, in My Childhood

I loved growing up in Escanaba. A beautiful place

to be and to enjoy. We didn't have computers or

cell phones. We just enjoyed the great U.P. Outdoors.

I still enjoy it today.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Living In Fear


Living In Fear

© by Bud Lemire on March 18, 2021

For those who don't know me very well

I'll share with you, some truths I'll tell

Throughout my life, I've lived in fear

Many times it caused me, to drop a tear

At one point, my nervous fear took control

My Doctor said, “It could be thyroids, this I know”

The pills have helped me through the days

Yet now and then, I have a faze

I learned to calm myself in fear

It helped when nature's best was near

An Island trip was best for me

To become one with all I see

I joined the Senior Companions, and this helped too

Conquering more fears, in my vest of blue

I had my fear contained at last

Some fears come from my past

I feared doctors of any kind, but made it through

Those needles I dreaded, but I got by too

Then 2020 and Covid came

I was hit, and Covid was to blame

I was so scared, and nervous of this disease

Quarantined, anxietic fear brought me to my knees

I did okay for awhile

Anxiety bit me like a Crocadile

Even more afraid, then ever before

It's now a challenge to go out the door

I calm myself the best I can

Inside I know, I'm the same man

Living each day, I take things slow

Wondering to myself, where will this go

There must be something that can be done

What I'm going through, isn't any fun

It's like something took over my body.

Two Angels are guiding me through this.

Yet they have their own problems, and

can only comfort me the best they can.

Which has helped me a lot. It is up to me,

to make the move. That Mountain, I must

climb, looks so big. Like each day, I must

take baby steps. In hopes that one day, I

shall be closer to being the person I was

before Covid came.

I come forward sharing this, not because

I want your pity. But because someone

else might be going through what I am.

I want them to know they aren't alone.

I want people to understand what Covid

can do to some people. For those who

don't think it is a big thing, it really is.

Until you have gone through what I am,

you don't know how it can effect you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Tree Of Life


The Tree Of Life

©by Bud Lemire on March 17, 2021

As the Tree Of Life strengthens, and grows upwards to the sky

We grow stronger internally, striving for knowledge until we die

Craving wisdom and new experiences, as we move along

As the branches sway, to a brand new song

Bringing positive energy, and good health to you

A brighter future, in all the things you do

Genealogical relationships, will grow and branch out

Life's evolution is grand, let's celebrate and shout

Be grounded, connect to your inner being

Feel nature's beauty, with everything you're seeing

Let your faith guide you, let its strength be your key

Reach higher with your branches, becoming who you'll be

Your roots go very deep, into the ground

Nourish them well, keeping them Earth bound

Let your bark be strong, let your voice be heard

Keep steady on your feet, speak careful every word

The branches will move, carried by the wind that blows

Your soul will be the captain, of everywhere it goes

Let love be the inspiration, in all that you will do

With The Tree Of Life, let all things remain true

You are the tree, and the life is yours. Be good to

yourself and you will go far.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Rainbow Eyes


Rainbow Eyes

© by Bud Lemire on March 15, 2021

She had Rainbow Eyes

She wore no disguise

The colors so bright

Her eyes took flight

The greenest of green

She'd always be seen

The bluest of blue

Than I ever knew

The red was there

I was quite aware

Of the purple that was shown

That had set the tone

Those Rainbow Eyes gazed

I watched and was amazed

All the color was there

And that was quite a pair

She looked at me

I knew she could see

Right into my soul

She made me feel whole

All the colors of the Rainbow

showed in her eyes. Believe me

when she touched me, it was

a pleasant surprise.

Moving Along With Covid


Moving Along With Covid

©by Bud Lemire on March 14, 2021

Moving along with the Covid season

Still being cautious, is a very good reason

If you had it at all, here's something to know

The problems people have, can be quite a foe

For those who have been, on a ventilator so long

The problems are endless, everything seems wrong

Flashbacks and Nightmares, oh Mamma Mia

Digestion problems, and there's diarrhea

The cramps that are there, with so much pain

When you are done, only tiredness will remain

Off to the bathroom, and then back to bed

Is a moment in time, that you really dread

Panic attack, and anxiety, always shaking you

Not knowing why this is happening, but wishing you knew

Buried in your subconscious, the answers are there

You're so shaken up, you're unaware

If you have symptoms, like I described here

You're not alone, many go through this fear

Relax and breathe normal, let calmness take place

Let the fear you are feeling, disappear from your face

I know it's easier to tell someone to get rid of the fear.

Much harder to actually get rid of it. Especially when

you feel you have no control over it. Try to do the things

that help you to relax. Listen to some calming music, or

a TV show that you enjoy. Go for a walk, or do some

other activity. You will be okay. Have your blood

checked, it might be your thyroids, as they get out of

whack after Covid as well. Remember, we are all in

this together. And just because you had the two vaccines,

you still need to wear your mask. You could be carrying it

to others. Use common sense, if you have any. And

remember, if you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up.

Offense Is Over The Fence


Offense Is Over The Fence

© by Bud Lemire on March 9, 2021

I see, I saw, and then I heard

People being offended by a word

Oh no, please not Dr. Suess

Someone has a cooked goose

People are too picky, with the names

I think too much, is mind games

Not Pepe Le Pew, it's just for fun

I'm disappointed, and it's no pun

Too much has been taken away

Too many people have gone astray

Enough already, don't ban no more

There'll be nothing left to explore

Once they start, they will not quit

I think their brains are where they sit

Once an Eskymo, I'll always be

I take no offense, with what I see

A cockamanie business, this offensive crap

To take these characters off the map

My name is Bud, and don't you say

That I am Rose or Pot, and I'll be okay

If you started changing things because it

offends someone, I take offense. What was

should still be. Do you have nothing better

to do than to find offensive things and take

them away. I find the people who are doing

this, very offensive to me. They are taking

away everything we loved when we were kids.

I could go through and find many shows on TV

offensive to someone, but why should I, when I

enjoy them. I accept them for what they are.

This offense has gone over the Fence.

Monday, March 15, 2021

I Love Packages


I Love Packages

© by Bud Lemire on March 9, 2021

I love packages, when they come in the mail every week

They bring on a smile to my face, when the days seem bleak

I can order stuff on Amazon, WalMart, or eBay

Maybe there's a package for me, in the mail today

Informed mail told me, I'd have three packages coming on Tuesday

Only two arrived, I wonder if the other one ran away

Two came the next day, I unwrapped it to see

What it was inside, that was coming to me

Books, DVDs, and all the things I enjoy

CDs or something else, I'm like a little boy

The little things in life, mean the most to me

I treasure and take pleasure, with each package I see

Four packages today, and they all seemed to fit

I carry them to my apartment, and open them as I sit

It's like a gift, that is to me from me

Being happy with them, is one of life's key

They come from everywhere, and I also must say

Packages bounce to anywhere, which causes a delay

A smile is on my face, today a package will arrive

Some come right to my door, I feel so alive

I do a lot of ordering, so I can get a lot of packages.

Of course lately the mail has been slower, but still

when they do arrive it is nice to open them.