Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Moving Along With Covid


Moving Along With Covid

©by Bud Lemire on March 14, 2021

Moving along with the Covid season

Still being cautious, is a very good reason

If you had it at all, here's something to know

The problems people have, can be quite a foe

For those who have been, on a ventilator so long

The problems are endless, everything seems wrong

Flashbacks and Nightmares, oh Mamma Mia

Digestion problems, and there's diarrhea

The cramps that are there, with so much pain

When you are done, only tiredness will remain

Off to the bathroom, and then back to bed

Is a moment in time, that you really dread

Panic attack, and anxiety, always shaking you

Not knowing why this is happening, but wishing you knew

Buried in your subconscious, the answers are there

You're so shaken up, you're unaware

If you have symptoms, like I described here

You're not alone, many go through this fear

Relax and breathe normal, let calmness take place

Let the fear you are feeling, disappear from your face

I know it's easier to tell someone to get rid of the fear.

Much harder to actually get rid of it. Especially when

you feel you have no control over it. Try to do the things

that help you to relax. Listen to some calming music, or

a TV show that you enjoy. Go for a walk, or do some

other activity. You will be okay. Have your blood

checked, it might be your thyroids, as they get out of

whack after Covid as well. Remember, we are all in

this together. And just because you had the two vaccines,

you still need to wear your mask. You could be carrying it

to others. Use common sense, if you have any. And

remember, if you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up.

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