Saturday, January 30, 2016

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

by Bud Lemire on Feb 29, 2004

From somewhere in the distance, I hear a scream

I find myself elsewhere, as if within a dream

I see a beautiful woman, tied up to a tree

My armor protects me, I set my sword free

I cut her loose, with a swing that cuts with ease

Then she runs into my arms, and gives me a tight squeeze

Love is surrounding me, she's someone I must know

I boost her up upon my steed, and away we go

The scene changes quickly, there's tingling in my right ear lobe

I look down to see myself, wearing a long tan robe

I seem to be a monk, or something of the kind

In some religious gathering, in some other time

I'm asked to give a blessing, to some people who are there

The line in front of me gets longer, they come from everywhere

It seems to me I'm a healer, as I touch them with my hands

All kinds of people, from throughout the many lands

Then before my eyes, the scene begins to fade

Next I am a half naked, Native American brave

I seem to hold power, as the medicine man of my tribe

Speaking to the spirits, to keep my people alive

Doing a healing dance, around a blazing fire

Sweat pouring down me, I start to perspire

Hanging from my neck, is a large bear claw

Smiling with our papoose, is my beautiful squaw

Then a flash and a flicker, and a feeling of a wave

I am picking cotton in the south, and I'm a slave

I'm dirty and I'm sticky, and I look a mess

When I'm not in the fields, I wear a dress

The master likes me, and always has his way

That is why I am still here, and why I'll stay

I must do whatever, be at his beckon call

Many times I tire, but he'll whip me if I fall

My eyes start to water, so I close them tight

Then it's hard to focus, there is a bright white light

It seems my life is starting over, my Mom has given birth

I'm a child in the American mid-west, I'm a child of the earth

I grow up a little, catching frogs within a pond

Angels voices whisper to me, "You are a special one"

The sky is blue with sunshine, the Angels warm my heart

They sing the story of my journey, the ending and the start

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