by Bud Lemire on Dec 19,
throughout the Tower on this Christmas Eve
A magical
time for those who believe
Santa Claus
was coming, we’re on his list
After all
this is the Tower, so how could he miss
All residents
snuggled away in their beds
Except for a
few of those wandering heads
Excited and
restless, of what the day will bring
All through
the halls, you can hear them sing
Santa landed
his reindeers on the roof, the sky was clear
Telling them
he had gifts to deliver, so wait right here
He called to
his elves, Len, Steve, & Mark
As he glanced
South-East, towards Ludington Park
He handed
each of them, a heavy sack
Told them to
empty each, before coming back
important each resident, receive these tonight”
“To fill
their souls with hope, and spiritual light”
The elves
were busy, delivering gifts to each door
Seemed like
forever, until there was no more
The sacks got
much lighter, and their speed picked up
wondered “Is one present really enough?”
voice was loud, “a present filled with hopes and dreams”
“It may
seem so little, but it’s more than it seems”
everyone needs this, to help them move on”
“To finish
life’s journey, that they are upon”
Len wondered,
“What could it be?”
each gift, that held such a key”
Santa again,
“It’s a special gift I deliver to each”
“When life
seems so lonely, with friends out of reach”
“The Angels
have blessed them, and they’ve told me”
presents hold more, than what you expect them to be”
Mark didn’t
understand, what Santa was saying
Until later
on he heard one resident praying
“Dear Lord,
I can’t go on, I’m tired of giving”
“I haven’t
a family, my friends have all stopped living”
“I’m so
lonely, this time of year”
listened, Trying to hold back a tear
As he placed
the present, and shut the door
He thought of
the many, who have nothing to live for
He wondered
what it would take, to give them hope
To help them
through life, and help them to cope
Then he got
home, with a gift with his name
unwrapping it, he didn’t feel quite the same
He felt peace
in his heart, he felt love in his soul
He thought it
was empty, but that wasn’t so
He realized
Santa’s Gift, that comes around each year
Was so
powerful with its Christmas cheer
It was a
happy time, this Christmas day
When the love
arrived, on Santa’s red sleigh
Merry Christmas to all
my friends
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