Thursday, January 28, 2016



by Bud Lemire on March 15, 2004

How many years, have you been sheltered from the storm

Love shared with you, to keep your spirit warm

Well now it is time, spread your wings and fly

You'll never fail anything, as long as you will try

The journey that you'll choose, takes you far from home

But know this as you travel, you'll never be alone

Think of me, and send your thoughts my way

And I will send my light, to make your every day

I know all you are going through

I'm not that different from you

I left the place called home

But I was never alone

The spirits guided me and protected me

They helped me understand and see

I know that when you too, leave the home place

They will help you through, everything you face

In the shelter of the Angel's wings

Overcoming all that life brings

Protected and loved by all, alive and dead

Your spirit has been touched, by all things read

Carry on, and your journey will be strong

Have faith, believe, and sing your life song

This poem is dedicated to two special friends,

Nelak and Kristina, who have some choices to make.

May their journey be filled with love and guidance.

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