Angel Is Born
1998 by Bud Lemire
On January
9th 1965, Momma Rose gave birth
To a special
little girl, who began life on earth
She was
destined to be, a treasure to hold dear
With her
Grandmother's song, playing in her ear
It wasn't
always easy for her, traveling down life's road
She worked
very hard, and carried a heavy load
Parents Don
and Rose, were happy she was in their life
And thought
some day, she'd make someone a wonderful wife
She had her
share of loves, trials she'd endure
Until that
special man came, then she was sure
Mark Hudson
was a Navy man, but there was love
And a family
was started, with blessings from above
They both
worked hard, to support the family they started
And the love
they shared, never strayed and never parted
I entered her
life, in the year of 1998
She needed
help with her ancestry, and would appreciate
Any help that
could be given
To connect
the dead to the living
I'm Bud
Lemire, and have researched our name
I had
gathered families, who carried the same
I looked and
I found, her ancestry real fast
By traveling
through records, and into the past
She was so
happy, having been bitten by the bug
Working on
her ancestry, she wanted to give me a hug
There's more
to the story, this much is fact
In 1992 I
wrote to her cousin, but she didn't write back
While looking
through her Aunt's box, they found that very same letter
That was sent
there, and this made Karen feel very much better
It was like
finding a gold mine, she wanted to jump and shout
This generous
cousin, who knew what genealogy was all about
letters and phone calls, we shared stories of our life
We had so
much in common, our happy times...our strife
We became
much closer in spirit, much closer in heart
She became my
Soul-Sister, though we were miles apart
This Angel
who guides me, of this I must say
I'm so happy
that she, sent her love my way
I've Earned
my Wings, Ancestral spirits help from above
But she made
it much easier, she sent me her love
So as I think
back, to the day of her birth
I appreciate
her presence, on this great planet Earth
For I know
I've been blessed, with a special friend who is true
I know I can
overcome anything, because Karen...I have you
This is for my Cousin Karen Lemire- Hudson. For being
a great friend and a wonderful Cousin
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