Friday, January 29, 2016



by Bud Lemire on Nov 19, 2003

Came to her, because she needed care for her mate

We became good friends, I'd call that fate

She was a school teacher, in her earlier days

Red haired lady, shining from the sun rays

Grew up in Wisconsin, a Ripon good place

Has a gentle voice, to go with her kind face

Loved to watch the birds, right outside of her window

And share in the things, we both liked to know

I took care of her husband George, for five years in all

After that we kept in touch, I'd visit or give her a call

I still remember, long ago she took a chance on me

And she found out exactly, how good I could be

I rode my bike, to her house on so many days

And learned about life, in so many ways

Cut her grass, and that was so long ago

Seems like just yesterday, in my memories though

Oh Pronase, my dear friend, you're in my heart

Your role in my life, played a special part

I'll always think back, and I'll always smile

Because we shared them together, for quite awhile

Not long after I was let go from the Bishop Noa Home when it was on Ludington Street,

Pronase Goymerac hired me to help to take care of her husband George.

From those years and the years that followed, we became great friends.

Pronase was a retired school teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I love you poem Bud. It reminds me how it was.

    David Goymerac
