Thursday, December 22, 2016

Higher Expectations

Higher Expectations

© 2001 by Bud Lemire

Don't place your hopes in higher expectations

Believe in yourself for your inner revelations

Don't let yourself get upset, when things go wrong

Meditate awhile, become part of the song

Don't look to others, for answers you already know

Just follow your instincts, you'll know where to go

Don't expect others, to feel like you do

Everyone is different, so you must be you

Don't place your hopes in higher expectations

Bask in the feelings of your spiritual sensations

How can they judge you, for all you've been through

You are not them, and they are not you

Don't place your hopes in higher expectations

You'll be placing yourself in falsely inflations

Make your everydays count for all they can give

Let love and peace surround you, and then you will live

Don't look to others for your own expectations

Happiness comes from your own inner elations

Touch others wih love, don't take on their frustrations

Don't build your walls too high for Higher Expectations

Sometimes we expect things to be a certain way, and when

they aren't we felt let down. Accept things and flow with

things as they come along. Be one with the Universe, and

flow with it. Don't seek answers within others who have

their own path to take. Their path leads them somewhere

else. Seek within, and listen to your soul, your inner spirit.

The answers are all there for you. Then you will know.

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