Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pain Everyday

Pain Everyday

by Bud Lemire on July 7, 2014

I live with this pain every day

With what I have it's the only way

Some days I just want to scream

Hidden behind a smile that is seen

I can hide the pain, but it's always there

Lurking inside me, so I am always aware

It's a fight that can be so tiring

Can't even be fixed by rewiring

Things I want to do, I don't have the energy to do

The big thing is every day that I do get through

I can't even walk very far away

Weakness comes suddenly and I pay

Friends that I knew, are afraid to come by

Fear of what I have, they can't even say hi

I wish they knew you can't catch this disease

Not even if I were to cough or to sneeze

Wake up people, get informed of what I've got

Because friends would be nice, I don't have a lot

Not those that will come by so I can talk to

How would you feel if this happened to you

This poem was written for someone who is

battling a disease. I wrote it in this person's

eyes. I hope this will wake up people to what is

happening out there. People with Cancer and other

life threatening diseases could use a friend. They

need your understanding, and they need the comfort

of your presence. Is that really asking too much.

I don't think so. “Come by and see me, and even with

this pain, you'll see a smile that is not faked.”

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