Friday, January 29, 2016



By Bud Lemire on July 23, 2015

There are quotes that speak to your heart

These are felt as a work of art

There are quotes that don't ring true

They don't make sense and won't do

There's a quote for everything

What's important is what it will bring

There's a quote that fits everyone's day

From people who have something to say

Famous people, sharing life's lessons

Touching you as special blessings

It doesn't mean they're right or wrong

It was things they learned as life went along

Sometimes a quote will resonate within

It will give you strength to always try to win

Yet nobody loses the power if they don't try

If they listen to their soul until the day they die

The greatest quote that can ever be

Is a quote I believe, that came from me

So I say to you, “listen to your soul”

And in life, you'll always know where to go

Reading over quotes that are posted and

things people said. You can always find one

that fits and resonates with you. No matter

what you are feeling or going through. These

are the ones that call out to us, and which gets

us to post them so others will know what we believe

or what we are going through. These are quotes

that others have learned from life's lessons.

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