Saturday, March 8, 2025

A Beautiful Soul


A Beautiful Soul

© by Bud Lemire on March 4, 2025

Beauty lives, within the soul

When you feel it, you will know

A great body, is a work of art

But the beauty of the soul, will touch your heart

Sure, they have a great smile

Touching the soul, is what's worthwhile

When looking for love, what do you seek

Someone who has, a beautiful butt cheek?

I feel a presence, that I know in my soul

Touching me deeply, making me feel whole

Someone to spend hours with, day in and day out

To me that is “Soul Beauty,” and what love's all about

Too many people, confuse love with lust

That's like not seeing the pie filling, only the crust

You need to love that person fully, not just what you see

It'll take you so much farther, it'll be your true destiny

Take time, to know the person behind the bod

Their personality, that resides in their pod

Look deeper, if you choose a lifetime to be

With a beautiful soul, for that is the key

Feel the connection of their soul to yours. Know

their full personality and accept them for all they

are, and how it affects you when you are with them.

When it touches you deeply, and you just want to

spend more time with them, that is a beautiful soul

that has merged with yours.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Where Is The Soul Of America


Where is The Soul Of America

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2025

Where is the soul of America, can someone please tell me

It seems to have disappeared, and it's somewhere it shouldn't be

I know it's out there, among the people that I know

We need it back, so we can continue to shine and grow

The other countries gasp and think “What happened to our friend?”

They wonder how far, this great nation will have to bend

Do something, do something” a weak voice cried out

It was rigged by the rich, I can say that without a doubt”

The world trembled, as it shifted in its place

While the America we once knew, wears an ugly face

Cut this out, and cut that out too” said the mad man in DC

We'll make America great again, according to me”

He handcuffed Lady Liberty, threw away her pride

And something in America, suddenly just died

People in this once great nation, worried for what was to come

Why is he doing this, and why is he so stupid and so dumb?”

All he wanted, was to have complete and total control

He didn't realize, his way would just make a big hole

America needs to fight, like it never had before

Against itself, so it can be a proud nation once more

Where is the soul of America, it's out there somewhere I know

We need to bring it back, so it can heal and so it can grow

Let's stop this disease, that is centered in DC

America is hostage, and we need to set it free

I know the soul is out there among the people, who know

what is happening in this country isn't right. We think of

America as someone we want our sons and daughters to

grow up to be. But not this time, nobody should ever be

like him. When he makes other countries upset at us, he's

looking for trouble, and it makes other countries stronger

and he is in for war, and this time,he will be the loser.

I love America! But the nasty leaders have to Go.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

That Darn Keyboard!


That Darn Keyboard!

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 22, 2025

The T isn't moving, it's being such a jerk

And I can't even, get the F to work

I tried the N, but now the A is stuck

With this keyboard, I'm not having any luck

Now the O, has flipped its lid

I'm not exactly sure, what I just did

I press the F1, F2, and F3

I know, I should just let it be

The RETURN key, just flipped off

I'm so frustrated, I start to scoff

It's not easy, to type anything on here

My keyboard is falling apart, I fear

Now the SPACE bar, just spaced out

I just want to scream, okay, I will shout

Now, that made me feel a little better

Now let me try again, checking every letter

Now, I'm having problems with the L

I'm also having issues, with the H as well

Let me check out a few more keys, I'll press the U

Nope! That darn keyboard, I just don't know what to do

Sometimes you feel this way when the keys on your

keyboard start to fall apart. It's frustrating when

you want to type something and you can't get the

right keys to type the letter you want.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Rectify Any Wrong Doings


Rectify Any Wrong Doings

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 15, 2025

In your life, have you hurt someone?

Said something nasty, or something else was done

When it happened, how did it make you feel?

I bet it wasn't good, it probably felt unreal

There's consequences, to everything you do and say

On the journey of your soul, you find out along the way

You've heard of a ripple in time, well it's true

You need to think before you act, in everything you do

We've all done it, sometimes not realizing the full impact

Sometimes it was us who was hurt, as a matter of fact

Whatever the case, the damage was done

It can't be taken back, and it wasn't any fun

In your life, you're often taken back to that time and place

It hurts inside, whenever you think of their face

It hurts all the way down to your soul

It's like that incident, left a burning hole

It's because, the soul is always affected by what we say and do

If it's not rectified in this lifetime, it crosses over with you

Believe me, it's a lot harder to rectify when you're over there

When a spirit comes around you, and you are not aware

Clear it up here on earth, while you still can, mend the fence

Take responsibility for your actions, use common sense

Take the blame for being wrong, and apologize

Heal the pain, is what the spirits advise

Life is too short to be going through so much

pain over some misunderstanding and words

that were said out of anger or emotional

haywire. Apologize and free your soul

from that burning, and it will set you free.

Time Doesn't Stand Still


Time Doesn't Stand Still

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 15, 2025

Time doesn't stand still, because we age

As it moves ahead, each life's chapter we engage

Sometimes I'm taken back, into a memory in a song

Thinking I'm back there, yet I knew I wasn't all along

I see a singer back then, that I use to listen to

Today he's old and gray, and I think “what happened to you?”

I look in the mirror, and think “who is that old man?”

Reality bites, but it's the way of each life span

Sometimes I think, I've lived a lifetime of many years

Each chapter that I lived, brought happiness and tears

From it all, I'm happy for who I became

I'm still me, and yet I'm not the same

Others do it too, they think I'm the boy I use to be

Never realizing, they're thinking of the younger me

I'm not the only one, who gets lost in a memory

Sometimes we stay there, and it's hard to break free

Even though time doesn't stand still, this I do know

Through the journey from the past to the future, I grow

You age and change, as time moves ahead

Doing your best to go, wherever you are lead

As humans, the years and time makes us older.

Through these changes, we learn and grow

and changes happen within ourselves.

Nothing ever stays the same.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Don't Need Money Or Power


Don't Need Money Or Power

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 29, 2025

I don't need a lot of money, and I don't need any power

Just give me a good book, great music, and a shower

Great friends by my side, satisfies me

I never understood the rich, so I let it be

I've never had a lot of money, and I'm glad to say

I see the things the rich people, will never see any day

I don't need a lot of money, and I certainly don't need power

Nature is my friend, every bird, creature, and every flower

I don't like control, equality is my thing

A sunrise, sunset, and what each day will bring

Just a warm sunny day, at my favorite spot

Something cold to drink, when it's too hot

Too much money and too much power, isn't good for the soul

Why, there's something missing, it's like a deep dark hole

I'm more rich, because I have less

As long as I can get through, any mess

You guessed it, I'm for those who struggle to get by

They're the ones, who know life before they die

I'll admit, I've never been rich, and that's okay

I didn't have a hard life, but I struggled in my own way

Just enough money to get by, I enjoyed the little things

The love in my life, guided me as it pulled on my heart strings

The greatest power you'll ever have, is the love you share with

others. The friendship you give and receive from others. The help

you give to those who need it. Either by just visiting with them,

and showing compassion and understanding, or a good deed they

needed help with. You don't need a lot of money, and with all these

qualities, you already have all the power inside, when you have Love.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Mary, A Good Friend


Mary, A Good Friend

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 28, 2025

We first met in the park, when we were five years old

With the same last name, but all would later unfold

Were we related, would we ever know

Time would tell, but first we had to grow

The first LeMire Doctor in Escanaba, died tragically

His parents were a LeMire, and a Pinard, you see

My Grandparents, were a Lemire and Pinard too

Their connection to each other, was unknown to me and you

Over the years, we'd meet now and then

Stop for a chat, and ask “How you've been”

As we got older , it continued this way

Until we came to 2025, and that is today

We did find out, her LeMire lineage comes from Nicolet

If you pronounce the T, you're not French I bet

That's in the distant past, let's move ahead

I don't like seeing Doctors, it's something that I dread

I was pushed by a cousin, and by an Angel that I love

To be checked out for a cough, I was being watched from above

Mary was a distant cousin, but she was also a caring friend

She offered to drive me, until I was on the mend

Thank you Mary, my cousin and my friend

I appreciate your help, now this poem can end

Mary, thanks for giving me a hand when I needed it.

I appreciate the three days that you helped me out

when I needed it. Thanks for being a caring friend

and cousin.