Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lost Family Found


Lost Family Found

© by Bud Lemire on April 12, 2024

There was a time long ago, in the history of our families

Pregnant daughters, found themselves begging on their knees

To keep their babies, but their parents were too strict

Authority won over, and young Mothers were heartsick

The heartbreak of giving up, a special part of you

Yet there was nothing else, that they could do

Years went by, and that baby was still on their mind

Always wondering, if reunited, what is it they would find

Some took up the search, yet they didn't find a clue

Having nowhere else to turn, and nothing else to do

There are people, who research, and help you in this case

Help to locate lost family, then you can see their face

They can find their location, whether alive or dead

By collecting the data, and going where they're lead

Some results are successful, and there's some that can be a bit sad

It's so emotional to see reunions, with a child and their Mom and Dad

To me, these true stories, always touch my heart

It brings closure to each person, who had played their part

Years have passed, and they meet, they feel it's where they belong

A family reunion happens, and it's like happiness in a song

I've been watching watching a series about people searching

for long lost family members. It really pulls on the heart. I

find the connection and longing between family members so

very strong. It's a Need to find a long lost family member to

find closure of the heart and soul. Sometimes it isn't always

a happy ending. Other times, they do find out what they need

to know. Sometimes it's more of a pleasant surprise. Family is

so important. It's who we belong with.

Monday, April 8, 2024

At Every Concert


At Every Concert

© by Bud Lemire on April 6, 2024

Tall people who stand in front of you, and those dancing drunks

Women who wear strong perfume, and they smell like skunks

People who think, at every concert they must stand

When everyone behind them, is trying to see the band

I think tall people, should sit in the balcony or way in the back

Drunks shouldn't be allowed in, because they always quack

People should be told, not to stand but to sit

Others just can't see, and it isn't worth a spit

We pay, and come to enjoy the band

We can't see anything, when they stand

When they jump up and down

I didn't come to see a clown

Then they spill their beer in the aisle

I look around, and don't see anyone smile

I grab my slingshot, and I'm a good aim

When something bothers me, I play the game

One good shot, and that beer would explode everywhere

The people in the next row, would give me a nasty stare

Nobody actually saw my slingshot, so did they really know

Then I'd laugh inside, I really was here to enjoy the show

Quick! Hide the slingshot, here comes security.

Just a poem at my frustration of inconsiderate people at

a concert. They wear perfume that smells like they took

a bath in. They drink beer they smells awful, and dance

around so nobody can see. I know tall people can't help

their height, but the hosts of the concert should at least

make sure that everyone is seated so others behind can

see. They aren't doing their job.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Pay It Forward


Pay It Forward

© by Bud Lemire on March 15, 2024

Pay It Forward, do a good deed

There might be someone, who is in need

They might not be able to afford food, in the marketplace line

The kindness that you give them, now would be the perfect time

They might feel embarrassed, you tell them to Pay It Forward too

Then sometime in their future, that is what they will do

Let me buy you a coffee, and a breakfast for you

It just feels so good, it's the right thing to do

A homeless person in a box on the street

Give her your jacket, and some socks for her feet

That guy's tire, has gotten pretty low

I'll use my pump, air his tires for this Joe

The little things we do, will help those who are in need

Which is just what was needed, you planted a seed

From what you started, they'll pay it forward too

The seed will grow, and the deed will renew

Many times it's the little things we make an effort

to do, turn out to be the big things for someone else.

So remember to pay it forward, do a good deed.

Just think how wonderful you feel after doing it.

Unanswered Questions


Unanswered Questions

© by Bud Lemire on March 13, 2024

Unanswered Questions, are the ones you never ask

The ones you should have, but weren't up to the task

Not the most important ones, but the ones in which you dwell

The ones that make you wonder, but nobody would share or tell

Why did that happen, to that woman that you know?

What happened to that man, why did they let him go?

Why are they doing this, why are they doing that?

Why did she get a dog, when she should have had a cat?

Why did the manager, tell her what he did?

Someone said he yelled, and really blew his lid

It's these kind of questions, that make you wonder

Too afraid to intrude, in case it brings on thunder

The one who it's about, will answer the correct one

Then you know it's true, your wondering is done

Questioning things in your life, is the way to be

Sometimes you get the answers, much more easily

We all have unanswered questions going through our heads.

Sometimes we find out the answers, and other times we never

do in our lifetime.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Can You Hear Me?


Can You Hear Me?

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2024

Can you hear me? I'm calling out to you

Please listen, I'm trying to get through

I just want you to know, that I'm here

Please understand, as a spirit, I am always near

You call my name, and I'll be there

I'm around you often, if you're aware

The love we shared, before I passed

Is as strong as ever, and will always last

I met your family here, your Mom and your Dad

They're so proud of you, great parents you had

I'm happy here, so much happier than before

You'll understand, when you come through that door

You can talk to me any time, I'll hear you

You may not hear me, but I try to get through

I want you to be happy too

Doing the things that you love to do

I know in the quiet of your mind, you will hear me

As time goes on by, maybe you'll even see

I know that you feel me, I so love your smile

I touch you all over, for that is my style

Just remember, the spirit energy is amazingly unique

You might feel me, give you a kiss on your cheek

She is always around, checking up on me. Letting me

know that our love goes on forever. Guiding me, and

letting me know she approves and cares for all I do.

You couldn't find a better love than what we have.

I love you Vicki, always and forever, Thank You!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Truth


My Truth

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 14, 2024

My truth is believing, what I'm knowing

I can feel the things, that aren't showing

Sometimes I can even hear

When the spirits whisper in my ear

I believe the messages that are sent to my friend

Given to me, by the lives that never end

The human life ends, but the spirit never does

It becomes what is, instead of what was

What it is, is so very amazing if you knew

The continuing soul journey, would surprise you

They carry on in spirit, without the bod

It is so natural, to you it may seem odd

It's where you were, before you came here

From one world to another, you disappear

Crossing over is so easy to do

It won't be hard when it happens to you

People can hear them, if they're in tune with it all

It takes a certain mind frequency, then you'll hear the call

Just know this, they don't have any pain any more

They left it behind, when they went through that door

True! I don't have to believe any more, because I know.

How do I know? It's a hearing, a feeling, a knowing.

If I hear them, it is not my imagination. When I feel

them, it is not my imagination. I know! When they

come in my dreams and I wake up still feeling their

touch, I know.




© by Bud Lemire on Feb 28, 2024

When the wind blows the snow, in a whirlwind around

It's called a Snownado, a tornado on the winter ground

It blows the snow, all over everywhere

Look out your window, you can see it there

A snow devil that is going around

Blowing snow wherever it's found

When a big gust of wind, blows the snow very strong

It's when we hear old man Winter, singing his song

The newly fallen snow is blowing away

To a new place entirely, where it will stay

Snow layered on top of each pile

That is the way of the Wintry style

Flakes piled up, on top of another one

It keeps on flying, until the Snownado is done

If you stand where it'll blow

You'll get whipped with that snow

So stay warm, and away from the wind that blows

Keep your body warm, even with your red nose

I've seen a snownado out my window.

It was a small one, and I'm sure you've

seen them as well.




© by Bud Lemire on March 7, 2024

It's all Bafflegab you see

Confusing words they are to me

It's just a bunch of gobbledegook

To non-Yoopers it's like wearing a chook

Mumbo Jumbo, if you are lucky

Just an assortment of Horse Pucky

Even when you use your noodle

It can be as bad as Flapdoodle

With all things you know, and all things you knew

I'd think the right word to call it, would be Gobbledegoo

You don't always get your wish

In these times it can be Jibberish

It can be small, or it can be very big

It might even be, a thingamyjig

Sometimes it can get so very sticky

To wash your hands, you'll need a Doohickey

No matter what, you hear or see

It turns out to be, just Mallarkey

You can do your best at your job

And come across, a Thingummabob

You can try your best, with all of your wit

Yet still call it what it is, a whatchamacallit

Just remember to never give up, give it a stab

You'll only find out, that it's all Bafflegab

It's interesting the words we use in place of

other words. We've come up with some doozies.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Dream Traveler


The Dream Traveler

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 21, 2024

I'm The Dream Traveler, I travel in and out of dreams

Where I go, nothing is exactly what it seems

The places where I go, Imagination of the mind

You just never know, what you're going to find

A distorted place, of the world that you know

Where your mind takes you, is where you're going to go

To a distant future, or a long ago past

Only while you're asleep, they never really last

Friends and family, always have a role there

Even they seem different, so you need to be aware

You can be the Captain, on a ship out on the seas

Or at a kitchen table, eating a big bowl of peas

Maybe at a Class Reunion, one you've never been to

Where you meet a Classmate, that you never knew

You can be in a classroom at a desk, sleeping in a chair

The teacher is calling your name, but you're unaware

You can be living out a fantasy, for goodness sake

A dream can take you anywhere, when you're not awake

Maybe a star of a T.V. Show, that you watch every day

How did this ever happen, but it takes your breath away

How about a dream, that is so very real

You know it must be true, just by the feel

You could have a dream, of what's happening recently

Knowing things nobody told you, yet in the dream you could see

When you're The Dream Traveler, you can go anywhere

When you're sleeping, your mind can take you there

I'm sure you have had many dreams, and some can be very

strange. Some may be unbelievable. Some may feel so real.

Some can have a loved one from the afterlife visiting. That

could very well be real, if it touches you deeply. The dream

can take you many places.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Like The Wind And The Sun


Like The Wind And The Sun

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 20, 2024

She's like the wind and the sun

She's everywhere, and shines on everyone

Even though she passed away

Her spirit is with me everyday

Many of us, don't have the gift

To see or hear spirit, to give us a lift

Believe me, they want you to know

Exactly what happened, to their soul

They can be many places, like the wind and the sun

Their spirit is energy, when their human life is done

All of her family and friends, that she left here

Need to know and understand, she is always near

She checks up on all, the loved ones she left behind

When she came out of her body, from the world of mankind

The deep connection you had, while she was here

Will continue forever, let me make this clear

Forever, infinity, everlasting it will be

Our love together, is the Universal Key

When you leave this world, your journey isn't done

You will be like the wind, and like the sun

We become energy after we pass, and like the wind

and the sun, can be in more than one place at one

time. I know, it's hard to think that something like

that can really be true. Those who have touched

the Spirit World, know this. But for us, it is hard

to grasp until we experience it ourselves. Once we

do, it will be so amazing.

Note: I wrote this about Vicki, and to let you know

that your loved ones' lives go on in spirit, and are

always near you, sharing their love still.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Don't Be So Paranoid


Don't Be So Paranoid

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 11, 2024

I'm not taking a picture of your house, why would you think that

There's a squirrel in a tree nearby, that's where I am aiming at

Why are people so paranoid, in this world today

You may understand just why, to me it's not okay

I took a picture of a sunset one night, and a woman that I knew

Was nearby where I was, she wrote me a nasty letter too

She wanted to see the pictures I took of her, she had some gall

I wrote her back saying, I don't have any of her at all

Someone taking pictures at a cemetery, was told to quit

By an observer who was watching, who didn't like it one bit

She said it was a private place, don't take a picture here

I think there are too many people, who are so insecure

One lady asked me, “Are you taking a picture of me?”

I replied, “How could I be, I was aiming at a butterfly, so free”

Everything that is done these days, is not pointed at you

Don't be so paranoid, this is something that I always do

I was stopped by security guards one time, they were told to check me out

It was reported that some weird guy was taking pictures, what was that all about

What's going on inside people's minds, I'd really like to know

No matter what, I'll keep taking pictures everywhere I go

These are all true stories. I've been taking pictures for over 20 years.

I've come across many paranoid people, who think because I am

carrying a camera, they think I am taking a picture of them. In an

event like The U.P. State Fair, and Rock The Dock, etc., I am most

likely capturing people at the event they are attending. But mostly

I enjoy nature and scenery even more.

Making The Right Choice


Making The Right Choice

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 11, 2024

Are people even listening, do people even know

By making the right choice, you need to understand it so

If someone is so rude, and always telling lies

And hurts the people so much, that is is so unwise

Let's go a little further, because I need to say

He even wanted, to take Social Security away

It would hurt the disabled, the unemployed, and the retired

He shouldn't be running for President, he really should be Fired

Take away Meals on Wheels, and the Senior Companion Program too

The elderly depend on these programs, without it what would they do

When I saw the headlines, in the newspaper one day

A President that says that, will never be okay

Everything I know about him, is just so very wrong

He should have been in jail long ago, where crooks all belong

We thought Nixon was bad, this one is much worse

Throw him in a pile of manure, toss him in headfirst

Anyone who knows right from wrong, and they have a brain

Won't choose someone like him, who's easily lead to feign

I'm not political, but even I know and have a voice

Use your brain wisely, by Making The Right Choice

I recall when he became President and I saw the headlines, that

he wanted to get rid of Meals On Wheels. I thought nope! He is

not a man at all. Too much power, too much money. He is not

for the people, only for himself. More power he wants. He

wanted to get rid of Social Security. That is something we all

paid into throughout our lives. A President should reflect the

people, and believe me, he does not stand for the America I

grew up to love. Not sure why anyone would vote for him,

unless they're not thinking right.

Saturday, February 10, 2024




© by Bud Lemire on Jan 10, 2024

What's in the meaning of a number?

For some, it makes you wonder

People tend to think a number, is very good luck

They'll play the lottery, to try to win a buck

Spiritual people think some numbers, are Angels that are near

While some numbers, have meanings that are unclear

Maybe it's for a very special day

To be remembered, in a certain way

A Birthday, A Marriage, or a day when someone died

A day to be remembered, a day where you had cried

Maybe someone, had a bad year

On this day, it had brought a tear

Nineteen Fifty, might be pretty nice

It's really not a bad score, when rolling the dice

Unless you're superstitious, and then it could just be

That Nineteen Fifty, is your greatest enemy

For me, it doesn't mean a thing

I'll roll the dice, and take what it will bring

What will be, is what it will be

When rolling dice, I have no enemy

I play to have fun, a great night with friends

A night of enjoyment, when the day ends

If my score is Nineteen Fifty, it won't worry me

Playing the game, is using a better strategy

If it comes up, and that is the score

I treat it like any other, I just ignore

If you rolled again, that loss was your chance

To keep what you had, or to do the losers dance

1950 doesn't have any curse to it. It is just a number.

It is not out to make you lose. You are above the number, and can control it.

Don't Hold A Grudge


Don't Hold A Grudge!

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 31, 2024

Don't hold a grudge, and not talk to me

We can work it out, I'm sure you'll agree

Nothing is so bad, where it'll tear us apart

I love you, and always have you in my heart

It was an accident, if you only knew

It could have happened, even to you

I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry sorry I did

Made you upset, and you blew your lid

We're both adults, so let's talk it out

Let's not leave, aside any doubt

You know I wouldn't hurt you, on any day

So don't go silent, don't stay away

Life is too short, with less time together

Our time. Should always be a pleasure

We're missing out on so much, of each other's life

This grudge you're holding, causes so much strife

Words can not say, how sorry I am

I wasn't thinking, but I do give a damn

So please call me, the sooner would be great

I prefer us to chat, please let's not wait

Accidents do happen, especially very easily

and very quickly. Nobody should be cut off

completely from a friend or relative, just

because something shouldn't have happened.

Hear them out, let it pass over and be gone.

Carry on, and remember, nobody is perfect.

Forgive and make up, and enjoy the time together.

Exquisite Corpse


Exquisite Corpse

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 7, 2024


There's a drawing game, that we use to play

At the kitchen table, and I have to say

One person would draw the head, and hide it so

The next person drew the body, so it wouldn't show

The next person, draws the legs and the feet

The end result, is hard to be beat

Mom and us kids , would draw with this game

Each time we did it, it was never the same

We never imagined, how it would turn out

The surprise ending, was what it was all about

Fold the paper in three, the long way from bottom to top

Fold it half for four games, and then you can stop

The first person draws the head, the second draws the body part

The third person draws the legs and feet, and it becomes a work of art

Now that you have it, give it a try

Be creative, and then you apply

I know Mom and us kids, had a whole lot of fun

We laughed at the results. When we were all done

Mom and us kids did have a lot of fun playing this.

I never knew what it was called until just before

I wrote this poem. I decided to relive those times,

and share them with you. I'd like to try the game


The Word On Senior Companions


The Word On Senior Companions

© by Bud Lemire on Feb 1, 2024

Senior Companions are well known, wherever they be

One of the best Volunteer Programs, you'll ever see

We're asking residents and In Home clients, what they are thinking

Rita smiles and says “They're great” and then she is winking

Those who have dementia, remember only at the time

Yet that moment comes again, their smile is a great sign

George says “I look forward to the people in Blue”

Sara was quick to say, “She's a friend I love talking to”

Jenna says, “We play cribbage, when he gets here”

Crazy Eight,” says Pete, “Is a game I always cheer”

Molly smiles, “They truly are the best Companions to us”

Eleonor believes in her heart, they are people we can trust

Millie is glowing as she says “They're Angels! Angels in blue!”

Lucille says “Yes! There's so much they will do”

The residents have spoken, and you have heard

Senior Companions are special, that is the word

Being a Senior Companion is very rewarding.

Just to see the smiles on their faces when you

enter the room where they are. So many of them

look forward to you being there, to play a certain

game with them, or just to visit. Your understanding

of the place they are in their life, makes it all worth


Monday, February 5, 2024

Family Game Time


Family Game Time

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 19, 2024

While growing up, games were what we always did

Rummy, Nertz, Cribbage, it was fun as an adult or a kid

Gin Rummy or Five Hundred Rummy, it didn't matter to us

Our family loved playing games, we never caused a fuss

Dice games, board games, and card games too

Taking part in any of them, was always fun to do

Bunco was fun, and then along came Greed

Who really knew, where each day would lead

My brother Terry, would stop in the afternoon and stay

Play a few games of Cribbage with Mom, on almost every day

When our whole family got together, we'd play Animal or Spoons

I haven't played those games, for quite a few moons

As a kid it was games like Leapin' Letters, or Battling Tops

Kerplunk, drop the ball in and see if it drops

Charades, was a lot of fun to play

When friends came over, it was all day

Then there was a time at the old family home, we'd play at night

Nancy would come over, we'd play games under the kitchen light

Royal Rummy, The Magnificent Race, Boggle, or Pictionary

The games that we played, they would always vary

The fun times, never seemed to end

Memories of those times, we use to spend

I think back to those days, the memories are great

Those were the times so precious, I sure appreciate

I keep those memories alive, by cherishing each and every game

These days I play them with Nancy, and friends, which is my aim

I love the games, that we always play

They add so much enjoyment, to every day

I can go back in time, with each memory

Yet still move ahead, which is a great place to be

The memories of playing games with Mom and my

brothers and sisters, always take me back. Today I

am making more memories with my sister Nancy,

and the friends I play games with at night.




© by Bud Lemire on Jan 30, 2024

I remember you living , in a green house in back on fourteenth street

You had a little boy and girl, it would be then that we would meet

Looking back at the time, he became my best friend

Like all things in life, who would know that time would end

With all things we have in the past, he took resident in my memory

I visit them often, and there's so many of them I do see

He always had his little sister along, when we would play

She was like a friend too, so beautiful in every way

I was saddened to hear, you were going to move away

But it wasn't that far, a yellow house is where you'd stay

You married Franny Marcotte, two more kids were born to you

Time passed by, and in that time, they grew

I remember years later, I was still cutting through your yard to go

To the Miracle Market across the alley, because I had some dough

You helped Franny, run the Metropolitan for a long time

While I started writing poetry, and I learned to rhyme

I remember stopping by to say hello, at your front door window of your home

It seemed all through my life, through the neighborhood, I loved to roam

Now I take pictures, which I post when I can

I always knew you as Thelma, but others call you Sam

Happy Birthday Sam!

Wishing you the very best, every day!

Sunday, January 28, 2024




© by Bud Lemire on Jan 23, 2024

He always smiled, in a certain kind of way

As if he was searching, for something to say

Words could not come out, the way he wanted them to

Yet this wonderful man, did the best that he could do

I recall upon arrival one day, I asked him what was wrong

He thought awhile, and then the words came along

He looked at me, and said “I can not think”

I explained to him, not all was in sync

Even though, he could not think like before

He was a man, anyone could easily adore

I came to love, this very special man

Somehow I understood, as only I can

He was smart, this I did know

Just needed time, then it would show

He knew words, and numbers too

Yet his mind had trouble, getting things through

When this happens, to someone you know

You have to care enough, for your love to show

With anyone you know, you will find

They just need a certain key, to unlock their mind

That key, he found, when he passed away

He can think much better, he's going to be more than okay

When anyone has dementia, they're not the same as before. Yet,

many times, a spark of their personality will shine through.

Even with dementia, Walter was a wonderful man that I was

honored to know and share time with. Thank you Walter!

As a Senior Companion, you meet many wonderful people.

This was one of the many that I meet as a volunteer.

A Cold January


A Cold January

© by Bud Lemire on Jan 17, 2024

It's an ice cold January, getting to Ten below

You can freeze your mouth, if you say hello

Dress up warm, don't want you to freeze

You might want to cough, or even sneeze

A little bit of ice, and then there's some snow

Be careful when driving, wherever you go

A very warm coat, is needed today

A scarf, mittens, and chook will be okay

Plan very well, if you do some walking

Below zero temperatures, is what I am talking

Sometimes your car, just won't want to start

Don't let cold weather, keep you and your job apart

Put on your boots, so you won't slip

Otherwise you'll fall, it'll be a quick trip

Then it might be, too hard to get up

You might be ready, for Coffee filled cup

Life as a Yooper, is surviving the cold

Whether you're young, or if you're old

When you are older, it's harder to do

When you are younger, body heat helps you

A snow mobile is fun, to go for a ride

You might see deer, off to the side

Ice Fishing is something, people love to do

Be careful of thin ice, or you will fall through

When the wind comes along, it can freeze you to the bone

It's best to have someone with you, so you aren't alone

When you live as a Yooper, you get use to the weather

Enjoying all the seasons, is what most of us treasure

I remember one time, the roads were like sheets of ice

Drivers were sliding everywhere, it wasn't very nice

I walked to work, and it wasn't easy to do

I made it to my job, but I made it through

Whether it's hot or cold, here in the U. P.

I always find, it's a great place to be

I wouldn't live elsewhere, this is where I want to be

The U.P. Of Michigan, is the best place for me

I talk about how cold it was. Not long after that, the

weather warmed up and the snow melted and we had

rain. But we still have February and March. So we

shall see what weather those months bring.