Monday, November 30, 2020

This Year


This Year

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 30, 2020

In my life, I think back on all the years

This year, has brought on most of the tears

The fear of what was yet to be

Being safe, was the greatest key

Yet, if you let your guard up, once or twice

The Virus would get you, which wasn't very nice

As humans, we're taught what it means to be together

This year, keeping the distance, we found new ways we could treasure

Value ourselves, and the time we are alone

Think of the many people, that we have known

I'll take a picture, or maybe write a poem

As I sit looking out my window, safely in my home

I've always been alone, as far as I can see

I've come to love my company, as I spend time with me

I have friends and family, who call me on the phone

So physically I may be, but I'm truly never alone

As this year comes to an end, thoughts bring on a smile

I think of what we've been through, and for quite awhile

Even though the virus, has brought on so much fear

I'm so happy that I made it through, This Year

With Covid this year. So many of us feared it, while

others ignored it. We had to social distance ourselves

from others. It made it harder on those who had to stay

away from those we love. And then to see some of them

pass. For me, it was more alone time. In this world, I have

always been alone physically. In my mind, I have been with

many (the phone, skype, etc). As we travel through the last

month of this Covid year. Remember, you are never truly alone.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I'm Everywhere


I'm Everywhere

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 18, 2020

You can not see me, but I'm everywhere

I'm on items that were touched, as well as in the air

Someone may have touched something, and you didn't know

Then before you know it, Covid symptoms start to show

I laugh at those who refuse to wear a mask

I always wore a mask, it was my greatest task

I washed my hands all the time, what else can I say

Somehow it caught me, and had to make my day

Yes, you got it, I just want to be a part of everything

So I jump right in for experience, it can really sting

I hoped it was the Flu

It turned out to be untrue

I called up Zak, he's got it too

Zak said, he might have caught it from Sue

I called up my good friend Morey

He's got it now, he said damn that Corey

Oh heck, I'll just sit here with some Peppermint Tea

Surviving comes natural to someone like me

What's that on my books, and in the air?

I'm COVID, and you'll find me EVERYWHERE”

In a time when the rise in Covid is getting higher,

it is harder to avoid getting it. Don't let your

stubbornness be your downfall.

Be smarter than that.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Become Anew


Become Anew

© by Bud Lemire on Nov 7, 2020

The ones who have walked before

Who have gone through Heaven's door

For the ones that are yet to be

Who will one day become Heavenly

Just as every day comes to an end

So does life as we know it, my friend

Yet the journey is far from done

The soul adventure carries on for everyone

In the spirit world, no one is dead

We leave the Earthly plane, our bodies are shed

No longer any limitations, our souls are free

Not confined to one place, but to be all that we can be

A universe of souls, all in harmony

Carrying on, more than you can see

Nothing is the same, as you know it in your mind

Beyond the human things, is what you will find

You'll leave behind, all the Earthly things

Listen very closely, the Angel sings

Heaven can wait a lifetime for you

Step through Heaven's doorway, and become anew

Those who have passed before us, aren't really gone.

They're in Heaven, and you will see them when it's

your turn to pass over into the Spirit World. It may

seem like a long wait, but it really isn't. They want

you to go on enjoying life until you cross over.

Make every day count. Enjoy it to the fullest.