Monday, April 8, 2024

At Every Concert


At Every Concert

© by Bud Lemire on April 6, 2024

Tall people who stand in front of you, and those dancing drunks

Women who wear strong perfume, and they smell like skunks

People who think, at every concert they must stand

When everyone behind them, is trying to see the band

I think tall people, should sit in the balcony or way in the back

Drunks shouldn't be allowed in, because they always quack

People should be told, not to stand but to sit

Others just can't see, and it isn't worth a spit

We pay, and come to enjoy the band

We can't see anything, when they stand

When they jump up and down

I didn't come to see a clown

Then they spill their beer in the aisle

I look around, and don't see anyone smile

I grab my slingshot, and I'm a good aim

When something bothers me, I play the game

One good shot, and that beer would explode everywhere

The people in the next row, would give me a nasty stare

Nobody actually saw my slingshot, so did they really know

Then I'd laugh inside, I really was here to enjoy the show

Quick! Hide the slingshot, here comes security.

Just a poem at my frustration of inconsiderate people at

a concert. They wear perfume that smells like they took

a bath in. They drink beer they smells awful, and dance

around so nobody can see. I know tall people can't help

their height, but the hosts of the concert should at least

make sure that everyone is seated so others behind can

see. They aren't doing their job.

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