Saturday, September 1, 2018

Terry's Double

Terry's Double

© by Bud Lemire on Aug 25, 2018

It happened one day, while I was at the U. P. State Fair

I couldn't believe my eyes, I couldn't help but stare

It couldn't be my brother Terry, he had passed away

Yet there was his double, on this certain day

Holding a camera, taking a picture of a camel there

He wore a cap, one that Terry would never wear

And his shirt, was one I could picture Terry wearing

I took a picture, because it's not polite to be staring

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't talk

It seemed that my whole body, was in a state of shock

I know my brother Terry passed, who who could this man be

So many questions, started to come to me

They say everyone has a double, maybe it is true

If this happened, what is it you would do

Would you have found, there was something to say

If you saw someone, who you knew had passed away

There standing before me, was an image of someone I knew

And yet it wasn't him, so what else could I do

Terry loved to spend his time at the Fair

After he passed, I never thought I'd see him there

There at the Petting Zoo, by the Camel at the U. P. State Fair 2018,

I saw a man who looked like my brother Terry. He had a flat cap on,

like my Dad use to wear, but his shirt was like one Terry use to wear.

He was taking a picture of the Camel with his camera. I was amazed

at the resemblance to my brother Terry. I should have said something.

All I could do is stare at him as he watched the Camel. I took a picture

to capture the moment. I wished I would have found out who this man

was who looked like my brother Terry. He might have been a relative.

It is amazing the things you'll see at the Fair.

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