Monday, May 20, 2024




© May 18, 2024 by Bud Lemire

I first met Stevie, she was a resident at Northwoods Place

She had a wonderful personality, I was happy to see her face

What I always liked about her, she felt like a kindred spirit to me

Someone you could talk to, wherever you would be

When I called the numbers at Bingo, she would always play

You talk loud and plain, and I heard you well” she would always say

She always appreciated, and made me feel good about what I do

As a Senior Companion, she was someone I was so glad that I knew

She'd always come for exercises, with her Marine exercises in the lead

In later years, she listened to books, because she couldn't see well enough to read

We would always share conversation, about what we loved to eat

She loved her fish like I did, a food that can't be beat

She made it to the age of One Hundred And One point five

Another thing about her, she knew what it meant to be alive

Just like her exercises, she never gave up the fight

You see this lady we all love, is going over into the light

The spirits of those she loved, who had passed before

Came to her bedside, to help her through that door

It's time for you to join us, your time here is all through”

You are now a spirit, it's time for you to renew”

Stevie was a dear sweet lady, I was honored to have known

from being a Volunteer at Northwoods Place/Lakehouse. She was

one of the kindest ladies, and she always appreciated everything

and everyone. She will be missed by us all.

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