Sunday, June 16, 2024


Marie, A Special Friend

© by Bud Lemire on June 16, 2024

She was my “In Home”client, I met a few years ago

Every Friday afternoon, it was her home where I'd show

We played Cribbage, and we'd have a lot of fun

Time went way too fast, before long our time was done

She knew my brother Terry, he loved Cribbage too

I was happy to know someone, that my brother knew

Her daughter Deb, was my neighbor long ago

She knew me, I couldn't remember her though

Marie and I, would take time to listen to music there

She had a lot of albums, and music we would share

I came to love this woman, who loved life so strong

I knew that every Friday, this is where I belong

She had the biggest heart, of anyone I knew

Stories that she shared, so much she has been through

Every time before I'd leave, she'd have to have a hug

On the table next to her, was her coffee mug

She moved to Christian Park, then to Bishop Noa Home

That's where this Senior Companion, always loved to roam

Looking back, I'll always remember the times we shared

Of a special woman, who always showed she cared

An Angel came to get her, and said “Your time here is through”

In the Spirit World, there's so much you'll be able to do”

Marie looked surprised, and then said “Am I dead?”

You're more alive than ever” is what the Angel said

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