Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Housework Nightmare

Housework Nightmare

© by Bud Lemire on June 28, 2012

The dishes are waiting, to be washed in the sink

It's such a hot day, so I'll sit and have a drink

A rootbeer float, hits the spot just right

The floors need sweeping, what a sorry sight

I have a lot of clutter, but that's just me

So many things everywhere, it's easy to see

Dust seems to collect, in so many places

On top it all settles, in most of the cases

Inside the refrigerator, things have spilled

And the garbage can, is way over filled

The shower is dirty, all over the floor

The toilet needs cleaning, and so much more

The laundry basket, is piled up with clothes

A disgusting smell, comes to my nose

I tell you, it's a Housework Nightmare

Another sip of my rootbeer float, as I sit and stare

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had a Housework

Nightmare. I always find it easier, when I do one little

job at a time. That way it is much easier and you do a

much better job, and it still gets clean. Damn! That

Rootbeer Float sounds good right now.

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