Friday, February 12, 2016

A Heart That Shines

A Heart That Shines

by Bud Lemire on Jan 22, 2005

She first came to me with a sad sad heart

And that is when our friendship made its mark

She had so much pain, that I could feel

What I wanted for her, was her heart to heal

For she lost someone, who was very close

And her heart ached for, who she missed the most

For close to a year, I was to be her friend

But there came a time, that it would briefly end

Our souls joined together in Heaven's light

All things wrong, became all things right

We danced and sang, and rhymed words awhile

Inside my mind, I could envision her smile

It came to be, that within each mind

Our thoughts were of a different kind

We felt the pain, when we drew apart

But we knew we were one, in each others heart

So we held each other, as most spirits do

As we bared our souls, to what was true

Then we shared together, such a wonderful time

And the once sad heart, is now a heart that shines

This is for a dear friend who I have connected with.

She knows who she is.

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