Friday, February 12, 2016

A Point Of View

A Point Of View
By Bud Lemire on July 26, 2010


In subjects ranging on everything, especially about me
Everyone has their point of view, but I might not agree
Every person sees a different angle, of how it should be
But it’s the person living it, who is the one who can see
Memories fade as the time goes drifting by
What was true once before becomes a rumor or a lie
A family fable that someone let loose
Too many quackers while you remain a goose
You live your life, so your view is true
Not according to them, but only to you
They can only guess, on what they might have heard
But the truth is at its strongest, when it is your word
A point of view, we can only say
We learn from life, in every way
Our journey through day after day
We see things with what is on our tray
You may think this, or I might think that
I might like a dog, and you could like a cat
With every point of view, anything goes
But when it comes to you, you’re the one that really knows
I wrote this poem because so many people see others from how they remember them, instead of taking into account that they have changed over the years. They still look at them as though time stopped and they are who you remember them to be. Also, every person even if they are family…has lead a totally different life than the other. Their path has lead them elsewhere. Their views are based on their journey in their life. Point Of Views are like opinions….we are entitled to them…yet we must be open to what they are and where they came from. We can’t hold grudges on what they see, for we do the same thing at times. We may see an old Classmate and only remember them from one time, even though they have long forgotten that time. There is much more to every person, and it goes deeper than any point of view. Get my point? It is my view.

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