Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Friend

My Friend

2002 by Bud Lemire

I would like to thank my friend, who knows me well

Who listens to my every word, and all I have to tell

When there is nobody else around, my friend is here

Listening to my thoughts, and knows my every fear

When I am feeling, that I am in a black hole

My friend always finds a way, to uplift my soul

And always knows the right time, and what to do

And knows the right action, and how to get through

My friend is very special, and is very giving

And is always helping others, to keep on living

By sending or giving something, to make their day

And has a special manner, and has a special way

My friend has done so much for me, with these words I say

Words can not say enough, so I thank God when I pray

I can't even think of my life's journey, without my friend nearby

My friend was around to comfort me, when I had to cry

I would like to thank my friend, from deep within my heart

For always being there for me, and playing a special part

Although my friend's name, isn't listed in these words or within each letter

My friend will know who I mean, when I say that nobody does it better

This is for Bob Miller, who's been my friend in this life, and remains

my friend from the Spirit World as well. I shared many things with him,

and he always told me, Nobody would know.

He was the Nobody who was a real Somebody.

Thanks Bob, for being a great friend.

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